Student Excellence Award

Nominations are being solicited for the fall 2011 Student Excellence Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize those student assistants who are dedicated, creative, and/or industrious. Any student assistant employed in any MU Libraries department is eligible for consideration. The recipient will receive a certificate of appreciation which will be presented to the student in his/her own department.

The nomination deadline is Friday, Nov. 18. The award will be announced before the end of the semester. Please forward nominations to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The nomination form can be found at In the event of multiple nominations, the ‘extra’ forms will be retained for consideration for the fall 2011 student award.

It has been a while since the award was last given. As such, it seems prudent to list the criteria:

  1. This award is to be given to a student who exceeds in quality and/or quantity the expectations for his/her position, and who has made exceptional or outstanding contributions to the achievement of a department’s goals and objectives.
  2. The award may be given up to two students per semester.
  3. Students are nominated by any MU Libraries employee.
  4. This award is to be given to any student currently employed in the Libraries.

*You will notice the monetary award has been dropped. It is the hope of SDC that student recipients will still find value in being nominated for the award and that supervisors will want to recognize outstanding student assistants via this award.

LIA/LIS Level Increase FYI

It has been a while since we have looked at the LIA/LIS level increase request process. Here are three documents which will help us get reacquainted with the process: Level and Competency Statements (Levels and Competency Statements); Level Assessment Form (Level Assessment Form); and Directions for Determining Competency Levels (Directions for Determining Competency Levels).

To access other documents and information associated with the level increase process, go to

I’ve received a request to hold info sessions for individuals in LIA/LIS titles plus their supervisors…that sounds like a good idea to me. Look for announcements in future editions of News Notes.


UM Benefit Plan Reminder

effective 2012 will end on November 4, 2011. You are now able to initiate enrollment changes online through UM’s myHR at  However, if you are not making changes to your current benefit program, no action is required on your part.  Coverage will continue into 2012.

Also, if you currently participate in the Flexible Spending program and wish to do so in 2012, you must re-enroll each year and do so at this time.

Information on plan changes and costs for 2011 can be found at Contact Faculty and Staff Benefits at 882-2146 for additional information.

Reminder – 2011 Human Resource Services Training Conference

Human Resource Services is sponsoring its Annual Training Conference on November 1 & 2, 2011 at Memorial Union. Overall, there will be 50 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for personal/professional development.

The follow link goes to a HR website] where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time. As in the past, individuals with academic titles can register for any course and attendance will be considered by HR on a space-available basis.

MU Policy – HR 411 Voting

With the Nov. 8, 2011 elections date just around the corner, it seems like a good time to review HR 411, the University’s policy on voting and related requests for time off. To highlight the main points:

MU Policy – HR 411 Voting

The main points:

  • Employees may be excused from work for time necessary to allow them to vote (this includes time away for absentee voting, if necessary).
  • This time may be up to, but not exceed, three (3) successive hours for the purpose of voting.
  • Such period of time includes any off-duty time between the opening and closing of the polls (e.g., lunch).
  • Employees shall be paid for any time requiring absence from duty to allow up to three (3) successive hours; provided, however, that such absence is requested prior to the election. Such time must be recorded on a time sheet or a monthly absence form.
  • Supervisors have the right to specify the time an employee may be absent for voting (e.g. for coverage issues).
  • Employees whose work hours permit three (3) successive hours between the opening and closing of the polls when not on duty will not be eligible for any paid time off for the purpose of voting.

Feel free to contact Leo at 882-9166 or if additional information is needed.

2011 Human Resource Services Training Conference

Human Resource Services is sponsoring its Annual Training Conference on November 1 & 2, 2011 at Memorial Union. Most sessions are intended for Columbia Campus, UM System and UOEXT staff employees, however, the KEYNOTE presentation by Suzanne Hart, Director Faculty & Staff Benefits, and a demonstration of the new SkillSoft online training software, myLEARN, purchased by UM System, are open to faculty as well as staff.

Overall, there will be 50 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for development for you and/or your staff. The speakers are primarily MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and attend as many sessions as you can during this two day training.

The follow link goes to a HR website] where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time. As in the past, individuals with academic titles can register for any course and attendance will be considered by HR on a space-available basis.

Of note: Bob Almony returns to campus to conduct two financial planning courses as part of the conference:

Take Charge of Your Finances, Nov. 2

Time: 8:30-12:00 Noon

Location: S203 AES

Presenter: Bob Almony, Beth Steele

This course deals with misconceptions about money management, your net worth, and tracking your cash flow each month. Learn to set up a real budget, handle debt, and discuss the 10 leading causes of overspending. We will review the overall personal budget process


Principles of Investing on a Shoestring Budget, Nov. 2

Time: 1:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Location: S203 AES

Presenter: Bob Almony, Stacey Josey

Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.

In addition, Leo and his colleagues with the MU Trainers’ Network will present the teambuilding/leadership skit based on the book by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

Nov. 2

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: N103 A&B Stotler Lounge

Presenter: Members of the MU Trainers’ Network

Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.

Supervisor 101 – Call for Next Round of Participants

I’ve been asked to reprise Supervisor 101 training for new supervisors; I’m happy to do so. The course includes a review of selected personnel policies, a discussion of mock employee relations situations, a few group exercises and some training by video. The program format involves a small group of employees meeting in two-hour blocks of time one day a week over a six-week period. The same individuals will move together through the 12 hours of training. At the end of the program, participants will have a better understanding of various personnel rules and regulations.

Space is available for 6-8 employees. To participate, first secure supervisor approval, and then accept this meeting notice. I’ll use the initial RSVP list of participants to know who to invite to the remaining training sessions. Feel free to contact me if you would like additional information about Supervisor 101.


Release Time for Flu Shots

MU will again sponsor flu vaccinations and health screenings for employees and dependents. Go to to access information on times, dates, and locations. Note that some dates allow employees to pre-schedule appointments.

Last year, many library employees experienced longer waits than anticipated; several reported being in line up to an hour for the flu shot. Requests were made to library Administration to approve additional release time for the extra time needed for flu shots. LMT approved the request and we’ll following that format again this year:

  • Time spent obtaining a flu shot is release time, whether it takes 30 minutes or 60 minutes.
  • If an employee stays more than an hour to visit other booths, report that as time out of the office.

Leo Agnew
HR Manager