Ryan to Retire this Fall

Mary Ryan has announced her retirement effective November 1. With accrued vacation time taken into account, Mary’s last day at the MU Libraries will be August 30. Mary has been with the MU Libraries for 41 years, she has been a part of many changes over the years, and it is hard to say good-bye. An Interim Head of the Reference Department will be identified from among the current reference librarians, and we expect to hire a one-year temporary librarian to fulfill the duties of the interim head. Please help us wish Mary a long and happy retirement.

Staff Development Funds

MU campus staff, School of Medicine staff and School of Nursing staff can apply now through August 15, 2013 for September 16, 2013 funds. The Staff Development Awards program provides funding to staff for professional development such as workshops, annual professional meetings, conferences, etc…   Staff must meet the minimum 75% FTE and greater than 6 months continuous employment requirements.  Staff may receive the award once in any 12 month period.  Visit: http://staffcouncil.missouri.edu/awards/SDA.html for application, sample application and other important information.

Please contact the Staff Advisory Council office at 882-4269 or staffadvisorycouncil@missouri.edu with questions.

Congratulations to Karen Marshall and Colleen Smith

The Journalism Library has hired Karen Marshall to fill their Library Information Specialist II position.  She will start on July 22.  Her work address and phone will stay the same.

The Catalog Department has hired Colleen Smith to fill their Library Information Specialist II position.  She will start on July 22.  Her work address and phone will stay the same.

New Job Posting: Library Information Specialist II

The Journalism Library has an immediate opening for a Library Information Specialist II. Please apply online at http://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/staff/index.php with job opening #10685.

Job Duties: Responsible for inventory, management and maintenance of the journalism library’s multimedia equipment and production space.  Must have working knowledge of a variety of multimedia software and hardware tools used by the journalism school.  This position is responsible for developing and maintaining digital service desk tools as well as a variety of spinoff projects, such as the creation of in-house, web resources for internal training and internal and external communication.  This position is also responsible for managing the Journalism Library’s circulation, electronic reserve (eRes) and interlibrary loan.  This position also assists in the hiring, functional supervision and training of student workers in the use of the online catalog, academic databases, and how to assist patrons and other duties as assigned.  This position liaises with MU Libraries’ LTS, Journalism’s IT and RJI’s Future’s Lab/broadcast studio (managing informational content appearing on the flat screens).

Minimum Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired is necessary. One to two years experience in a library setting is necessary. The ability to type may be necessary depending upon the position available.

Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with multimedia software and content creation equipment. Public service experience.

The full position description can be found at:http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/admin/positiondesc/Posdesc/Journ/c39587.htm