Job Postings

The University of Missouri Libraries has an immediate opening for a Security Officer to maintain the security and integrity of the library, its employees, and its patrons during and after Library regular hours.  Review the full job posting and apply online at with job ID 11401.

The full position description can be found online at

Open Positions

The following positions are open and accepting applications.  To apply for any of these positions, visit the HRS website at

  • Library Information Assistant – Journalism Library, job ID 11244.  Accepting applications through 8/30/2013.
  • Head, Acquisitions and Collection Development, job ID 11164.  Accepting applications until a final candidate is identified.

Open Job Searches

Librarian and Archivists: 

The search is beginning for the combined Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development position.  Under the general supervision of the Associate Director for Access, Collections and Technical Services, the person in this position administers and provides leadership for the Acquisitions and Collection Development Department of the MU Libraries. General responsibilities of the Department include: reporting and analysis of materials spending, including statistical reports and financial reports related to the acquisition of materials for the Libraries’ collections in print and other formats; oversight of, and accounting for, the expenditure of the Libraries’ $7 million-plus materials budget and a variety of gift funds, driven coordination with subject librarians on selection matters; supervision of serials and electronic resources management; supervision of physical processing and some preservation activity. Will represent MU at state and national collections meetings.

The position is posted on the HR job list with job ID 11164.  The full position description will be online shortly.

The Search Committee for this position includes:  Anne Barker, Kelli Hansen, Kate Anderson, Susan Barnes, Felicity Dykas, Ann Riley.


Applications are being accepted through Monday, 8/19, for the following positions:

–          Security Officer Sergeant, job opening 11183

–          Library Information Specialist II – Engineering Library, job ID 11182

Applications are being accepted through Wednesday, 8/23, for the following position:

–          Library information Specialist II – HSL, job ID 11193

Welcome to Ashley Nelson and Kimberley Moeller

The RAIS Division and Reference Department welcome two new librarians to Ellis beginning Monday, August 12th. Please join us in congratulating them on their new positions at MU Libraries.

Ashley Nelson, temporary science librarian, Ellis Library
Ashley Nelson has worked at the Engineering Library for the past three years. During this time she has also handled collection development for math and taught many Endnote workshops. She graduated from Westminister College with an English major and a minor in mathematical sciences. Ashley was an Institute of Museum and Library Services Academic Library Fellow for two years while working on her library degree at MU. During her fellowship she staffed the Ellis Library Reference Desk, harvested and cataloged items for MoSpace and developed online instruction tutorials for Journalism. For several summers she worked as an English teacher and camp counselor in South Korea, Hungary and the Ukraine.

Kimberly Moeller, temporary general librarian, Ellis Library
Kimberly Moeller spent two years as both a graduate assistant and intern in Ellis Library while working on her library degree. During this time she worked the reference desk, conducted tours and led instruction sessions for undergraduate courses. She also taught ISLT 1111: Information Use and Student Success for two years. She received her B.A. from Washington University majoring in Women and Gender Studies with a focus on pre-nursing studies. While at Wash U. Kim competed on the varsity swim team and was voted captain her senior year. She is currently a member of the Mid-Missouri Black Sheep Women’s Rugby Team.

Barker to Serve as Interim Head of Reference

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Barker as Interim Head of the Ellis Reference Department effective September 1, 2013.  Anne will provide leadership for the department while the search for a new Head of Ellis Reference takes place.  I am grateful that Anne has agreed to accept this appointment.  We are fortunate to have someone with her experience to oversee this transition.  To ensure that the Reference department is not left short-staffed during this interim, we will be hiring a temporary general reference librarian as soon as possible to cover many of Anne’s current responsibilities.

–Jim Cogswell