Renovation of Health Sciences Library First Floor

With funding and assistance from the School of Medicine, the HSL First Floor will be renovated, beginning this summer. The existing computer lab and stack area will be transformed into an information commons area that will also function as a computer-based testing center when needed for that purpose. A new computer instruction room, two new conference rooms, and expanded first floor restrooms are also part of the plan.

Books classified A through V are being relocated on third floor, while remaining books will be shelved in a compact shelving area that will be created along the west wall on first floor. Print journals have been compressed on third floor, and we will add only the bound volumes for those titles that we must still purchase in print.

The first floor renovation will also include improved heating and cooling for the entire building.  On first floor, improved lighting and a noise masking system to aid concentration will be installed. The renovation schedule has not yet been finalized, but we have an estimate for completion in November, 2011.

HSL Will Be at the Women’s Wellness Fair on March 4th

Stop by the Health Sciences Library’s table at the 4th Annual Women’s Wellness fair! The fair will take place on March 4th from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm in Memorial Union. There will be healthy snacks and information from more than 20 campus and community organizations. The event is free and open to MU students, faculty and staff. Hosted by the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women.

HSL Poster Presentations at Toronto Medical Conference

Barbara Jones recently attended the Diagnostic Errors in Medicine Conference in Toronto.

Poster presentation  –  “Hospital Surveys: Health Sciences Libraries Influence Patient Care” (authors  – Deborah Ward, MaryEllen Cullinan Sievert, Dirk Burhans and Barbara Jones)

Panel presentation – “Can Evidence-Based medicine Help Reduce Diagnostic Error?” (Barbara Jones)

Health Sciences Librarians Present at the American School Health Association Conference in KC

Barb Jones and Rebecca Graves presented papers at the 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference in Kansas City, MO.

“Information Literacy Skill-Building in School Nursing Practice”  Louise Miller, Marjorie Cole, Barbara Jones and Rebecca Graves.

“Communicating About Health Literacy: Empowering Individuals, Systems and Society” Susan Centner and Barbara Jones.

Boyd and Anderson Publish in the Journal of the Medical Library Association

In collaboration with colleagues at Texas A&M and Washington State, Trenton Boyd and Kate Anderson have published the 3rd edition of the Basic List of veterinary serials.

Ugaz AG, Boyd CT, Croft VF, Carrigan EE, Anderson KM. Basic list of veterinary medical serials, third edition: using a decision matrix to update the core list of veterinary journals. J Med Libr Assoc. 2010 Oct;98(4):282-92. PubMed PMID: 20936066.

Available in PubMed Central:

HSL Research Team Wins Poster Award

On October 9, the HSL Research Team took first place among the research posters presented at the Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting in Wichita, KS. The poster presents data from the first group of four hospitals that participated in the study.  All of the hospital librarians who participated are listed as co-authors.

The poster, “Views of the Library:  A Regional Study in Selected Missouri and Colorado Libraries,” by Deborah Ward, MA, MLS; MaryEllen Cullinan Sievert, MLS; Ph.D.; Dirk Burhans, Ph.D.; Barbara Jones, MLS; Margaret Bandy, MLS; Jerry Carlson, MLS, AHIP; Sandy Decker; Holly Henderson,  MA, has been submitted to MOspace for archiving. It has been posted on the wall in the HSL Conference Room, and you are welcome to come see it if you prefer that to viewing it online.

For background, the study was carried out in three phases.

1.     Preliminary studies conducted with the MU Departments of Child Health, Internal Medicine, and Family & Community Medicine gave us positive data and the confidence to extend the methodology beyond our institution.

2.     A similar study at the University of Colorado at Denver (as a comparator to the MU HSL), fostered the study of two hospitals in Missouri and two hospitals in Colorado for the collection of comparable data. The poster that won the award is a product of the four hospital studies.

3.     Additional studies at the hospitals of interested librarians in the six-state region served by the Midcontinental Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine are now in progress.

Findings from these studies are valuable for the advocacy efforts of Barb Jones, whose special project area for the region is library advocacy. This work is important because hospital library closure is a reality faced by health sciences librarians. The health care climate is one in which value must be presented to decision-makers in order to receive continuing funding. Our goal is to publish articles that hospital librarians in our region, and beyond, can use to highlight their value to their administrators.

MaryEllen Sievert and Dirk Burhans have an established record of supporting practicing librarians here at MU in library research, and we hope that they will be willing to shift their focus to support the broader research needs of the MU Libraries in the future.

Submitted by Deb Ward, 10/14/10