Update on Remediation of Mold-damaged Books

The remediation phase of the recovery of mold-damaged books has now been completed with receipt on May 15 of the final shipment of cleaned books back to the Library Depository located in the midway area of Columbia. In total, 451,000 items were shipped to Texas during the past thirteen months for cleaning by two different remediation companies. Treatment of the books required 43 semi-trailer shipments round-trip from Columbia to Texas. A total of 426 pallets were prepared for shipment, with 21,668 boxes packed with books to be cleaned by hand. All 21,668 boxes have now been returned, and the books contained in them await processing.

There is still a much work to be done, but we are pleased to have the books back in the possession of the MU Libraries. We will be working to make the books available for patron use as quickly as possible, but many months are yet needed to complete this final phase of the recovery operation. Special thanks and congratulations are due to Brian Cain, Geoffrey Preckshot and Burt Fields, as well as to the many other library staff and temporary workers who have been assigned to this major project.




Changes to MU Graphic Identity Standards

The MU Division of Marketing & Communications has updated the guidelines and standards for Mizzou’s visual identity. These new standards include new unit signatures, a secondary color palette, new typefaces, visual guidelines for social media and redesigned stationery. They are posted at http://identity.missouri.edu/graphic-identity-standards/.

Logo and signature files are now available for download at missouri.box.com/identity. You may also contact Shannon Cary directly for MU Libraries' files or if you have any questions about the new standards.

MU Libraries Participate in MU Remembers

Each year the members of the Mizzou family commemorate the lives of students who have passed away during the past year at an event called MU Remembers.That event occured today, April 3 at 2 pm. Jim Cogswell always attends this event as a representative of the MU Libraries. 

To serve as a memorial and tribute to the contribution of each student, the Libraries place a book in the collection that is related to the student's major or interests. A personalized bookplate is placed in each book and the book record in the computer catalog also states that the book has been placed in the collection as a memorial to the student. Letters with the title and cover of the book are sent to the parents. We have received many thank you notes from parents and some parents come to the library to look at the books.

In the future, there are plans to create an MU Remembers LibGuide with a complete listing of all the MU Remembers books.

If you would like more information about MU Remembers, you can visit http://calendar.missouri.edu/event/mu_remembers_2414#.VR73tPzF_h4.

Student Fee Update

  • It's official! The student library fee will be on the ballot in November.
  • Matt Gaunt has been meeting with student organizations and various leadership boards both individually and together.

    • The outcome will hopefully be a better vision of the open forums planned in April.
    • Based on feedback from students, the forums will likely number 2-3 on specific topics with one large general town hall type meeting which we hope can be attended by the Chancellor.  
  • The Student Fee Working Group will be working with a newly formed MSA ambassador group, a team from a Strategic Communications class, and the Libraries Amassadors Communications Committee to create and implement a promotional campaign for the student fee.

Photo and Video Policy at MU Libraries

Taking Photos and Videos in Ellis Library

  1. Anyone taking photos or videos at Ellis Library needs to check in at the Admin Office (104 Ellis Library). 
  2. The person(s) taking photos/videos will need to fill out a form and get approval from a staff member in Admin and possibly Security.
  3. The person(s) taking photos/videos will need to have a copy of this form with them while shooting in the library.

Publishing Photos of Patrons

  1. University of Missouri photographers and videographers must obtain a signed release form from any person appearing in a photo to be used by the university for publications, marketing materials, websites or any other communications.
  2. Release forms are available from the Admin office and on the forms section of the Libraries' staff web page: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/c.php?g=28456&p=174830
  3. More information about MU's photo and video releases can be found here: http://identity.missouri.edu/photos/releases/index.php




Access to Web of Science

Access is now turned on for Web of Science for the 4 UM System campuses. This is early activation. The three-year contract will have a start date of March 1, 2015. The main URL for Web of Science is http://webofknowledge.com

Access to Web of Science is due to UM System funding, but the UM Libraries will likely need to provide future funding at some point.

Contact Abbie Brown if you have any questions.

Content Details:

This is the Web of Science Citation Connection Package.  Content coverage is below.  This product was, at one point, called Web of Knowledge, but is not anymore. 

We have purchased the backfiles for our gap years of 2008 – 2014, which along with previously subscribed content, brings us up to date. 

Access to Zoological Record and our coverage years of BIOSIS (that are consistent with our Biological Abstracts subscription on Ovid) are included with no obligation to migrate or subscribe to that content.


Web of Science Citation Connection Package


WOS Core Collection – Science Citation Index Expanded

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection – Social Sciences Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection – Arts & Humanities Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection –  Conference Proceedings Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection –  Book Citation Index 

2005 – Present

Data Citation Index  

1990 – Present

BIOSIS Citation Index 

1969 – 2014

Zoological Record 

1985 – Present

Derwent Innovations Index (Patent) 

1993 – Present

Current Chemical Reactions  

1985 – Present

Index Chemicus 

1993 – Present

Current Contents Connect  

1998 – Present