Depository Directors Weigh in on the Value of their Depository

In August 2008, Ric Davis, the Acting Superintendent of Documents, sent a letter to all depository library directors, asking them to submit letters that describe the value users find in their depository library.

The responses that GPO received were unique and thought-provoking and are so important as we embark on the strategic planning process for the FDLP and design our path for the next ten years.

View the collection of depository library director responses and learn more about the value of the FDLP at <>.

–Announcement from the Federal Depository Library Program
–Submitted by Felicity Dykas

Congratulations to Mary Barile

Mary Barile’s play, The Irish Rogue, has been nominated for the David Mark Cohen playwriting award, sponsored by the Kennedy Center’s American College Theatre Festival. The play was most recently performed at the University of Missouri; the award was established to recognize the writing and development of new American plays.

Mary Barile is a grant writer for the MU Libraries and past president of the Friends of MU Libraries.

Giants of Black Thought Annual Poster Exhibition

Giants of Black Thought:
An Exhibition of Poster Presentations
by Fall 2008 Introduction to Black Studies Students (Dr. David L. Brunsma)
Opening and Reception
Thursday, Dec 11
9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Ellis Library, Room 202

Come see our students’ work and enjoy light refreshments. The students explore the following Giants:

W.E.B. DuBois
Patricia Hill Collins
Audre Lorde
Eldridge Cleaver
Maya Angelou
Marcus Garvey
Carter G. Woodson
Nikki Giovanni
Angela Davis
Toni Morrison
bell hooks
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Frantz Fanon
Randall Robinson
Martin Luther King Jr
Malcolm X
James Baldwin
Michael Eric Dyson
Cornell West
Lisa Jones
Charles Mills
Zora Neale Hurtson
Richard Wright
Assata Shakur

If you are unable to attend…the exhibit will be on display for two weeks in Library 202.

Librarian Wanted

We would like to have a librarian serving on the 2009 Celebration of Service Working Group, which will be planning next year’s event. Current members are Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Colleen Smith and a member of MULSA yet to be determined. Please contact me by Dec. 1 if you are interested in serving on this group.

Shannon Cary

Bookmark Café Holiday Hours

Thanksgiving week –

Open Monday, November 24, 8am – 1pm

Tuesday, November 25, 8am – 1pm

Wednesday, November 26, 8am – 1pm

Closed Thursday, November 27th

Friday, November 28th

Saturday, November 29th

Open Sunday, November 30, 3pm – 11pm

Semester Break/Christmas week –

Close at 3pm Friday, December 19th

Re-open at 8:30am Monday, January 5, 2009

January 5-9, 8:30am – 1:30 pm

January 12-16, 8:30-1:30 pm

January 17-19, Closed

January 20, resume regular hours.

New Virtual Conference Room to Be Located in Ellis Library

The president of the University of Missouri system has donated $1 million to help finance a project to link students, professors and administrators at the university’s four campuses by creating virtual conference rooms. The MU virtual conference room will be located in Ellis Library.

The Government Documents Microfiche “Cave” on the 1st floor of Ellis Library is being dismantled in order to make space for this new video conferencing center. Some microformat collections are being moved from that room to off site storage, some collections are moving to the Engineering Library, some are moving to a storeroom on Ellis’ ground floor and a small amount of remaining collections will be moved closer to the Government Documents office. Shelves around the perimeter of Room 201 will be a temporary holding area for microcard collections which are destined for off site storage. The Documents Cave is scheduled to be cleared by the end of December. Construction on the new video conferencing center may begin as early as January 2009.

For more information about President Forsee’s gift to the University of Missouri System, you can read this St. Louis Post Dispatch blog post, “Forsee, the “Sprint guy”, gives $1 million gift to the University of Missouri to buy AT&T technology.”