Brooks Receives Chapman Award

Congratulations to Terry Brooks, LIA in Circulation/Reserve, who recieved the Chapman Scholars in Religion award. Each year the Religious Studies department gives two $250 awards to majors for their accomplishments in the study of religion and their contributions to the program in Religious Studies. These awards have been made possible by a gift to the department from Dr. Charles L. and Paula Chapman.

Terry is graduating this semester with a degreed in Religious Studies.

Holland Elected President of MO Center for the Book

Michael Holland was elected president of the Missouri Center for the Book on April 24th by the board of directors of the Center. The one year term of the president follows Holland’s two years service as secretary of the MCB.

The Missouri Center for the Book was established in 1993 “to bring the words and ideas of books into the thoughts and lives of Missourians.” It is the only statewide organization that promotes the importance of books and reading to Missouri residents, celebrates the state’s literary heritage, and recognizes the contributions of Missouri’s authors, book illustrators, booksellers, publishers, librarians, and others involved in the literary arts.

The Missouri Center is an affiliate of the national Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, which was established by law in 1977 to strengthen and celebrate the vital role of books, reading, and libraries in the cultural life of the nation. Headquartered at the Missouri State Library in Jefferson City, the Center is governed by a board of directors composed of authors, publishers, librarians, editors, and community leaders. The board develops programs and plans activities that stimulate public interest in books and reading. Among the activities of the Missouri Center for the Book are the Missouri Poet Laureate program, the Letters About Literature contest (for grades 4 – 12), the Annual Celebration of the Book, and many cooperative activities with other Missouri cultural organizations.

Update on Supply Room Open House

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Libraries Supply Room open house held for libraries departments on Tuesday. The event was a big success and helped us relocate many items to departments within the library. As an FYI, there are various old forms, etc. that will now be recycled and used for scratch slips in the Reference area. So don’t be alarmed if you see them being used around the building instead of the plain white 3”x5” scratch slips.

Ellen Blair & Pat Jones

Riley and Sanders Elected to ACRL Positions

Congratulations to two MU Librarians who were elected to Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) positions in the recent ALA election!

  • Ann Campion Riley, Assistant Director for Technical Services, was elected to the ACRL Board as a Councilor-At-Large.
  • Wayne Sanders, Catalog Department, was elected to the position of Secretary of the Anthropology and Sociology Section of ACRL.

Celebration of Service is April 23

Fun Happy Colorful Birthday Party Balloons
Image by Pink Sherbet Photography via Flickr

This year’s Celebration of Service will be Thursday, April 23rd in the Grand Reading Room (Room 201) of Ellis Library.

Lunch will be served from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm and will be provided courtesy of MULSA. Employees are asked to use their lunch breaks if they are interested in attending the catered luncheon.

The Celebration of Service will take place from 12:30 -1:30 pm. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Celebration of Service Planning Group: Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Ann Riley, Colleen Smith and Mike Spears.

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Filming Outside Ellis Library, April 6

The Department of Student Life is shooting a movie on campus in April. On April 6th they are scheduled to shoot at the West Ellis Library entrance around 5 p.m. and will wrap shooting at around 7 p.m. They will not film inside of building, but they will shoot people going in and coming out of the doors.

There will be three different signs up around the area in which they film to indicate that if people are walking into the area, there is a chance they may be on camera.