Missouri Libraries Snapshot Day, Oct. 14

On October 14th, MLA, MPLD, and MASL are asking libraries to submit images, video, and stories about what's going on in their library on this one random day in October.  

Why are we doing this?  Have you ever been asked why we need libraries now that we have the Internet and electronic resources like eBooks and databases?  Have you ever heard that libraries are or will soon become irrelevant as people gravitate more heavily to these online resources?  People, including some of our legislators, aren't aware of the vast array of services and activities we provide our communities, whether that community is a school, academic, public, or special library. On October 14th, we want to tell our story to them with video, images, and text.  Show that we matter to many, many people and share your stories about the way we touch people's lives and stay relevant in the 21st century.  You don't need to plan anything special for this day.  Just document what's going on in your library and upload your stories to the site we are creating.

Details about where you can post your images, stories, and video will be coming out soon.  Right now, you can help us by entering our contest to create the header that will become our logo on the Storify site we are creating.  So, if you have a hidden (or not so hidden) graphic arts talent, get busy and create an image that will convey what MO Libraries Snapshot Day is all about! Deadline for submission is Monday, September 28th at 5:00 pm.  Images should be formatted as .jpgs and should not exceed 958×200.  (Anything bigger will be cropped).  Submit your entry to mla@amigos. org.  Questions?  Contact MLA President, Christina Prucha at christina.prucha@logan.edu.

We are our own best advocates.  Save the date, October 14th, for the opportunity to share what we do and get working on creating the logo that will head the campaign!

Christina Prucha
MLA President

Notes from The Gathering

Every year the Libraries participate in a gathering of many MU departments.
The Gathering seeks to:
  • Identify major themes/functions relating to "opening."
  • Distribute information.
  • Identify collaborative opportunities, problems and/or resolution.
  • Share of key dates.
  • Identify how information is communicated to students, parents, faculty/staff
For notes on this year gathering, visit reslife.missouri.edu/gathering.

Thank You from Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Dear Jim,

I and my staff would like to express our deep appreciation to you and your entire staff for allowing Admissions, Office of the University Registrar and Student Financial Aid to call Ellis Library home during the Jesse Hall Renew Mizzou renovation.

It was not a simple task for the library to relinquish and reconfigure large portions of your space to make room for us and our many guests. Nor was it easy to accommodate the significant increase to traffic in Ellis created by our staff, tour team and the thousands of students and visitors who utilize our offices. However, the challenging experience was made much better by the kindness and gracious support of you and your staff.

We are all glad to be back home in Jesse Hall. And, no doubt, you all are glad to regain your space and to have reduced numbers and strain on your facilities. Though we’re all glad for the return to normal, being drawn together through the temporary office arrangement was a wonderful opportunity for library staff and Enrollment Management staff to get to know and appreciate each other and we’re grateful for that.

Again, many thanks to you and your staff for welcoming and housing many of our Enrollment Management staff during the past year.

Barbara Rupp
Interim Vice Provost for Enrollment Management

Mizzou Colors on the Quad, Sept. 4

Friday, September 4 at 12:00pm 
Columns on Francis Quadrangle, MU campus

Calling all students, faculty, staff, alumni and Tiger fans. Don black and gold and meet at the Columns for a Mizzou family photo in honor of the 2015 football season and College Colors Day. The first 100 people to arrive will receive a free T-shirt. True sons, true daughters, true colors! Sponsored by MU Licensing and Trademarks

Please contact Sonja at 573-882-7256 if you have any questions.


Volunteers Still Needed for Student Move In Day

Show your MU Libraries pride and help our students with move-in. By volunteering with Residential Life to help with move-in day, the MU Libraries will help make move-in a positive experience for new Mizzou students. Volunteers will assist students by moving belongings into the residence halls and answering questions about Mizzou.

Every year, we hear from students and families that they really appreciate the assistance of move-in volunteers. 

The more volunteers we have, the more positive exposure we get for the MU Libraries! 

Our shift will be Wednesday, Aug. 19, 12:30-4:30 p.m. You can sign up for a two-hour slot.

Please contact Gwen Gray or Shannon Cary if you are interested in volunteering and for more details.

Call for Campus-Wide Committee Applications

Are you interested in becoming more involved on campus?  If so, the MU Staff Advisory Council is looking for individuals that represent the four core values of the University: respect, responsibility, discovery, and excellence.

Each term is 3 years and will begin September 1, 2015 and run through August 31, 2018.  Please complete the application form and submit to the Staff Advisory Council office at 8 General Services Building or via email to staffadvisorycouncil@missouri.eduThe deadline for applications is Thursday, July 2nd at 5pm.

Chancellor’s Standing Committees
Campus Mediation Service Committee ~ 2 openings
Campus Recreation Committee ~ 2 openings
Campus Safety Committee ~ 3 openings
Family Friendly Campus Committee ~ 3 openings
Committee on Committees ~ 1 opening
Concerts Committee ~ 1 opening
Environmental Affairs and Sustainability Committee ~ 2 openings
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee ~ 1 opening
Library Committee ~ 1 opening
Minority Affairs Committee ~ 1 opening
Persons with Disabilities Committee ~ 2 openings
Retiree, Health and other Benefits Advisory Committee ~ 2 openings
Status of Women Committee ~ 1 opening
Traffic Appeals Committee ~ 2 openings

MU Staff Advisory Committees

Education Award Committee
Crafts/Maintenance category ~ 2 openings
Administrative/Professional category ~ 2 openings
Clerical/Office category ~ 2 openings

Staff Development Award Committee
Crafts/Maintenance category ~ 3 openings
Clerical/Office category ~ 2 openings
Administrative/Professional category ~ 2 openings
Technical/Paraprofessional category ~ 2 openings

A description of each committee can be found on the Staff Advisory Council website or by clicking the links above.

For more information on the Staff Advisory Council, please visit our Facebook and Twitter page or contact our office at 882-4269.

This call is for staff only. A similar call will come from the Faculty Advisory Council to fill the faculty slots on these committees.