Upcoming Events at MU Libraries

To keep up with what’s going on at MU Libraries, check out the rotating announcements on the gateway.

Upcoming events include:

  • A Celebration of the Book on Oct. 10
  • Changing the Face of Medicine Brown Bag: Lunch “How will MU respond to the issues raised by women faculty in the Faculty Forward Survey?”
    Michael Misfeldt, MD on Oct. 12
  • “The Early History of Women in Medicine @Mizzou,” Dr. Elizabeth Garrett, Professor of Clinical Family and Community Medicine; Director of Family Medicine Clerkship on Oct. 12

Find out about all of these events and much more at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/.

The Sacred Feminine: Prehistory to Postmodernity National Symposium

Interdisciplinary symposium on women, religion, and the visual record

October 16–17, 2009

This interdisciplinary symposium examines the role of women in religion from antiquity to the present, as reflected in the visual record. Open to all interested. No registration fee required. For more information, visit http://maa.missouri.edu/calendar.html.

GWLA Directors Meet at MU on Oct. 5 & 6

The Greater Western Libraries Alliance (GWLA) meeting is on Monday and Tuesday next week. This is the annual fall meeting of the group, and it is the first time to meet in Columbia, MO.  Some of the GWLA directors will be taking a tour of Ellis Library at 1:30 p.m. on Monday. There is an open program on “Reinventing Reference” scheduled for Monday at 2:30pm in Reynolds Alumni Center, Columns A & B, with a reception to follow. This program is open to library staff. We hope everyone will do their best to welcome the deans and directors of the GWLA libraries to MU.

Nebraska Game Day

The Mizzou Tigers are scheduled to play Nebraska on Thursday evening, October 8, 2009. This game is the first midweek game hosted by Mizzou in 17 years. It’s our time to shine on a national stage, as the game will be televised live on ESPN (kickoff at 8:00 pm).

The large influx of visitors and fans will require many changes in parking logistics to accommodate the crowds on the MU campus. More than 7,000 students and 800 employees who park in lots around Memorial Stadium will be required to relocate to other parking lots and garages closer to the heart of campus no later than 4:00 PM on October 8. Traffic will be excessively congested from approximately 4:00 pm until the start of the game.

The University is NOT closing, and will NOT be towing vehicles of employees.

For more information regarding game day logistics, please go to MizzouGameDay.com.

Banned Book Reading to highlight history of censorship and freedom of expression

MIZZOU — Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) needs volunteer readers for our Banned Book Reading at Speaker’s Circle on Wednesday, Sept. 30. The reading is part of a series of activities held to highlight Banned Books Week 2009, Sept. 26-Oct. 3.

The event will feature an informational display table with lists of banned books and the history of censorship, as well as a rotating cast of readers reciting passages aloud from books that have faced banning or censorship at some point.

If you’d like to read at the event or help staff the table, contact us at PLG.Mizzou@gmail.com or call 417-619-3724 to sign up for a time slot. The schedule will be informal, but please do let us know if you intend to read. Bring a copy of your own favorite banned book to read from, or choose from the selection available at our table.

Topic Ideas for Library Issues Forums

A quick note to solicit topic ideas for our Library Forum program. The Library Issues Forum provides an opportunity to learn about and discuss broad current and future trends facing libraries today. The typical format will consist of a presentation on a topic affecting the library community (MU Libraries, state, national, or international), followed by a time for discussion by participants. Forums may address (but are not limited to) issues involving multiple library departments, issues in which a large user base is concerned, and issues needing open discussion and broad input. The purposes of the forums are to bring up ideas, innovations, and solutions to problems. Please send your ideas to Leo Agnew.

Personal Hand Sanitizer

In an effort to prevent the spread of the H1N1 flu and seasonal flu, Campus Facilities has purchased personal-sized, 2-ounce containers of alcohol-based hand sanitizer for staff. Ellis Library received a limited number (1 bottle per person) of sanitizer. The sanitizer will be available for interested staff during the week of September 21-25, 2009 in the Ellis Library Security Office, Room 93 Ellis Library. On an additional note Campus Facilities has installed alcohol-based hand-sanitizer dispensers throughout Ellis Library and other buildings on campus. Thank you for doing your part in helping prevent the spread of the H1N1 flu and seasonal flu.

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