Upcoming Webinars in the ALA ALCTS Institutional Repositories Series

Making the Most of your Descriptive Metadata: Planning, Transforming, and Re-using
Presented by Marisa Ramirez and Nancy Fallgren
Wednesday March 24, 2010 – 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Ellis 4G41

Metadata is essential for organizing, searching, and managing information resources, particularly as libraries expand their efforts in making their collections available on the web. Libraries are populating institutional repositories with a myriad of resources, including digitized special collections materials, finding aids, electronic theses, peer-reviewed faculty work and other research, scholarship and creative outputs. But what are libraries doing about the descriptive metadata that allows users to search, find, and select these resources in their repositories? What redundancies are created when libraries engage in collecting, enhancing, or redistributing metadata in siloed systems? Can redundant metadata generation efforts be streamlined? We will discuss some current descriptive metadata practices in institutional repositories, identify areas where redundant efforts may occur, and discuss strategies to improve management, collection, and re-use of descriptive metadata. The webinar requires a basic understanding of metadata and XML.

The consortial-campus view: Reinventing the IR from all directions
Presented by Sharon Farb, Bonnie Tijerina, and Catherine Mitchell
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 – 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Ellis 4G41

The California Digital Library supports the 10 University of California campuses’ institutional repository and campus publishing efforts through the development and central hosting of eScholarship. This presentation will give an overview of a centralized model and the scholarly publishing initiatives taking place at the University of California. The director of the Publishing Group at the CDL will begin the conversation with an overview of the publishing and dissemination services available through eScholarship and the outreach and marketing campaign recently launched in conjunction with the UC campuses. An eScholarship Liaison from UCLA will discuss the role of campus librarians in this model and highlight successful faculty and graduate student publications which transitioned from print to online journals. The presentation will conclude with a library administrator’s perspective on new roles for academic libraries and how this works fits in the mission of the institution.

Library Society Dinner, April 9

You are cordially invited to attend the 2010 Library Society Dinner.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Please join us as we welcome new members of the Library Society, honor our charter members and celebrate the enduring values of books and libraries.

6:00 p.m. Reception
7:00 p.m. Library Society Dinner, Featured speaker, Peter Hessler, award-winning author and China expert

Ellis Library
Grand Reading Room

Business Attire
Please RSVP to Sheila Voss by April 2

Tickets are $35 per person for MU Libraries staff.
Please make checks payable to the University of Missouri.

MOBIUS Conference T-Shirt Design Contest

If you are like me, you wake up early every morning having dreamt of wonderful and creative t-shirt designs for the MOBIUS annual conference but end up feeling let down because the MOBIUS conference doesn’t have a t-shirt design contest. Good news: We do now!

That’s right, this year we are going to be taking design submissions on the conference website and then vote on them! This is an awesome opportunity to have fun, flex your artistic muscles, and contribute to making the MOBIUS conference even more awesome. Plus we’ll give you a FREE SHIRT.

Don’t do graphic design? Aren’t coming to the conference? We will give you a free shirt just for referring someone. Can you say “graphic design students”? Just remember to tell them to put your email address in the referrer field of the submission form so we can thank you and work out delivery for your free shirt.

Start here:

Justin Hopkins
Coordinator, IT & Web Services
MOBIUS Consortium Office

Riley to Be Guest on KOPN March 25

Ann Riley has been invited to be a guest on the KOPN radio program “Women’s Voices, Women’s Issues” on Thursday March 25 to talk about her research on toxic work situations and new information on how gender and generational issues may relate to them. Some of this work was presented at the ACRL conference last year, and some information is from a new article.

For more information about the show and to access the podcast after the segment has aired, visit KOPN Women’s Issues Women’s Voices.

2010 MU Libraries Global Scholars

We are very pleased to announce that the 2010 Global Scholars for MU Libraries will be Dorothy Carner, Adjunct Professor, Missouri School of Journalism and Head of the Journalism Libraries, and Ann Riley, Associate Director for Technical Services.

The Provost’s Global Scholars Program brings together faculty members from around the MU campus to participate in an overseas learning and exchange experience intended to help MU faculty internationalize their teaching and research. This year, a new program led by Fritz Cropp, the Director of International Programs at the School of Journalism and Director of the MU Transatlantic Center, will center on Brussels, Belgium and its vicinity. The seminar will introduce MU faculty members to institutions in the capital of Europe and provide opportunities to interact and share potential research and projects with their European counterparts.

Dorothy Carner intends to collaborate with libraries and librarians in Belgium to help support the work of students in the MU School of Journalism- Brussels Program, to develop relationships with librarians charged with managing journalism/communication/mass media collections in Europe, and to develop a better understanding of European media. Ann Riley will be collaborating with librarians from the Universities of Liege and Louvain to discuss open access and cooperative repositories, international scholarly communication, and international education.

Please congratulate our two newest Global Scholars on their acceptance to this prestigious program.

Celebration of Service Survey

The Celebration of Service Working Group is making plans for this year’s event. We would love some input from you. Please fill out the following (super short) survey. You may send additional comments/suggestions to us through the survey or e-mail any of us directly.

Click here to take survey

Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Ruthe Morse, Ann Riley, Colleen Smith and Michael Spears

Webinar on Tech Trends from ALA Midwinter 2010

February 11, 3:00-4:00
Ellis 4G41

A look back at ALA Midwinter meeting from a library technology perspective. Our panel of experts will analyze and discuss what they learned and what trends stood out at the conference. Panelists are: Jason Griffey, Head of Library Information Technology, University of Tennessee, and ALA TechSource and American Libraries blogger; Kate Sheehan, Open Source Implementation Coordinator, Bibliomation Inc., and ALA TechSource blogger; Greg Landgraf, Associate Editor, American Libraries; and Sean Fitzpatrick, Associate Editor, American Libraries. The webinar is sponsored by American Libraries.


Clarification of Quiet Study Areas in Ellis Library

LMT recently discussed concerns about quiet study areas in Ellis Library. After designating and defining quiet areas, they formed a group to update policy, determine signage and communicate this information to staff and users.

Quiet Study Areas Working Group Members: Shannon Cary, Cindy Cotner, Tammy Green, Julie Rogers and Karen Witt

Based on discussions by LMT and the Quiet Study Areas Working Group, the following distinctions were given to areas of Ellis Library based on acceptable levels of noise.

Not Quiet Areas:
• Bookmark Café
• First Floor (except CPRR)
• Group Study Rooms

Absolutely Quiet Areas:
• Current Periodicals Reading Room (CPRR)
• Room 201 (including area directly outside room and breezeway above room)
• Room 202

Generally Quiet Areas (hushed conversations allowed):
• Floor 2 (except for 201 and 202)
• Floors 3 (except 201 breezeway) and 4

Special Rules for the Absolutely Quiet Areas

To accommodate users who need a completely quiet study environment, the Library has designated the CPRR, Room 201 and of 202 as “absolutely quiet” areas. The quiet rules for these floors are more stringent and are more stringently enforced. If users cannot abide by these rules, they should avoid these areas.

• No talking above a whisper.
• No extended conversations, even at a whisper.
• No use of cell phones whatsoever.
• No other noise sources are permitted on the floor.

Special enforcement provisions for the absolutely quiet areas:

• There will be periodic walkthroughs by Library Security to enforce quiet and other rules.
• Library staff will respond promptly to requests for enforcement from users.
• All staff members have responsibility for enforcing the quiet policy in a polite and friendly manner. If a staff member is uncomfortable with enforcing the policy, please contact Library Security.
• Rooms 201 and 202 are occasionally used for events. Signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of use of these rooms, so that users can find alternate study space.

We will be communicating these quiet study area designations to users through signs and periodic announcements on the gateway.

Reminders for Staff
• If you are teaching in room 213, please close the door within 10 minutes of the beginning of class.
• If you walk through the building for recreation or exercise, please refrain from conversations or keep conversations quiet as is appropriate for the section of the building you are walking through.
• In the “generally quiet” areas it is expected that there will be some noise from staff members who are working or leading groups through the library. Please try to keep noise at a reasonable level especially when users are studying in these areas.

Please contact any of the members of the Working Group if you have questions, comments or suggestions.