2010 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off

For a Slice, a Sip, and a Slip

Please join us for the 2010 MU Libraries United Way Campaign Kick-off Luncheon!

  • Tuesday, September 21, 2010
  • 11:30 – 1:30 (the program will run from approximately noon to

12:30; stop in anytime for pizza and to pick up your pledge card)

  • 4th Floor Conference Room, Ellis Library

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how YOU make it possible for the United Way to help thousands of people throughout our community.  An official of the Heart of Missouri United Way and a representative of a charity that benefits from United Way funding will be on the scene to meet you and to explain more about how the United Way works and to share stories about people who have received help from United Way funded programs.

Prizes:  When you pick up and return your pledge card during this event, you will be eligible to win a book store gift card. Small door prizes will also be awarded while you enjoy a slice and a sip.

RSVP: To Mark Ellis (EllisMW@missouri.edu) by Thursday, September 16, if you would like pizza.

Please let us know if you have any questions about this event.

Thank you,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper  – MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee

Libraries Staff Serving on the Chancellor’s Standing Committees

Campus Mediation Services
Leo Agnew

Campus Parking and Transportation
Mary Aycock
Mary Hainen

Campus Planning
Janice Dysart
Suzanne Lippard

Campus Recreation
Stephen Stanton

Campus Safety
Dorothy Carner

Environmental Affairs and Sustainability
Rachel Brekhus
Caryn Scoville

Hearnes Center
Anne Barker

Nina Johnson

Missouri Unions
Karen Darling
Jerri Eldridge

MU Information Technology
Ann Riley

Residential Life
Rhonda Whithaus

Status of Women
Gena Scott

Student Fee Capital Improvements
Goodie Bhullar
Dorothy Carner
Brenda Graves-Blevins

Student Financial Aid
Paula Roper

Student Publications
Felicity Dykas

Traffic Appeals
Dorothy Carner

Call for Promotion Applicants

The Promotion Committee reminds those considering applying for promotion this year that the deadline for receiving dossiers is October 1.  Details for the promotion process can be found in  the Governance Document:


Members of the 2010/2011 Promotion Committee are Gary Cox (Chair), Dorothy Carner, Marie Concannon, Wayne Sanders and Karen Witt. Dossiers can be submitted to any member of the committee. We are happy to encourage the professional development of our colleagues and look forward to hearing from you.

Waggoner Inducted into Psychology Honor Society

Sheena Waggoner was inducted into PSI CHI the International Honor Society in Psychology for her recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement and excellence, and in compliance with all the requirements of the constitution and statutes pertaining to membership:

Graduate students shall have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all graduate courses, including psychology.

Purpose Statement

Psi Chi is an international honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.

PSI CHI website https://psichi.com/

Sheena’s chapter of PSI CHI http://www.waldenu.edu/Colleges-and-Schools/College-of-Social-and-Behavioral-Sciences/38268.htm