Helping Your Faculty: Incorporate Library Resources and Tools into Online Courses

On October 14, the MU Libraries offered a seminar for the newly hired ET@MO’s Academic Advising Technicians  on the following topics:  ERes; Integrating library resources, including linking books and articles, into Blackboard; Library tools such as LibX and Communicator; and Library Instruction.   Prior to the seminar, a getting-to-know-you reception was held to facilitate collaboration between the ET@MO liaisons and subject librarians.  The Liaisons will be working with faculty in Arts and Sciences, Human Environmental Sciences,  Nursing, Health Related Professions, and Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.   Presentations were made by Goodie Bhullar, June DeWeese, Rhonda Whithaus, Judy Maseles and Will McCrary.   Another reception/training  session will be held later this fall for those who could not attend and for when additional Academic Advising Technicians are hired.

Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk, Oct. 12

A Reminder that the first Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place Tuesday, Oct. 12, from 12-1, room 4F51-A Ellis. This Is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Reminder Regarding Library News Notes Submissions

Here are a few policies and procedures regarding News Notes:

1. Items for News Notes should be submitted to me by noon on Thursday. Please let me know if you will have a late submission.

2. Please send completed items as you wish them to be posted in the blog. This saves time and confusion. If you would like help in composing your post or if you want me to edit the post, please let me know in advance of the submission deadline.

3. If you have images for your posts, please send them to me as a .jpg or .pdf file attached (not inserted in) to your e-mail.

4. Items must be work-related. If you have personal items, please send those to the MUSE blog (Mary Aycock, editor).

4. If you have corrections to items in News Notes, please send them directly to me.

Thank you for your cooperation. Following these procedures will aid me in making sure that News Notes items are published quickly and accurately. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shannon Cary

Pledge to Win

Many individuals with widely-divergent needs are assisted by the Heart of Missouri United Way through the agencies it helps sponsor.  The young, the old, the sick, the homeless, the hungry,  those in need of transportation, tutelage, and employment represent just some of those United Way agencies serve.  All of us living in this area are impacted directly or indirectly by the work of these charitable organizations.

Georgalu Swoboda, Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters, who spoke at the MU Libraries’ Kick-Off Luncheon on Tuesday, September 21st,  was also kind enough to share this story, illustrating the positive things her agency does for the community.

Denise and De'Jonna

Over 4 years ago Big Sister Denise Schehl-Geiger was matched with De’Jonna, a shy eight-year old.    That match has taught Denise a lot about being active and staying young, about the value of being involved and helping

others in the community.  Denise served in the Army and now works for the VA.  She became a “Big” because she wanted to do something for a little girl who might not have had all the breaks.  De’Jonna is now in 7th grade and enjoys many new experiences and giving back to the community by volunteering. She’s already decided she wants to be a Big Sister, too, when she gets older.    Denise likes to tell people that being a Big Brother or Big Sister is something  ”you can fit it right into your daily life. “ Spending two hours a week with a child is “nothing.”

To ensure that this and other United Way agencies’ crucial work continues, please send your Heart of Missouri United Way pledge form to:

Mark Ellis
104 Ellis Library


Pledge forms received by October 8, 2010 will be entered in a drawing for concert tickets.  Each winner will receive one set of concert tickets.  There will be 5 sets–a set consists of 2 tickets to the same event–of concert tickets drawn on the 8th..   Some concerts include a reception. At some receptions, the food may be extremely simple fare while at others the equivalent of a gourmet quality meal is available with appropriate beverages.  Nevertheless all tickets enable the holder to attend a memorable performance, featuring major talent.

Please return your pledge form as soon as possible.  Your pledge not only helps United Way agencies in this area to continue their beneficial activities but also gives you  a chance to attend a performance by a legendary entertainer.

Grand Prize:  The MU Libraries’ United Way Campaign ends October 15, 2010.  The names of all who have returned their forms by that date will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Columbia Mall gift certificate.  Please note that the Mall gift certificate has enhanced value since it is now accepted at many stores throughout the area.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Ellis or a member of the committee.

Thank you,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper  –MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee

PS – If you would  like to know more about the Heart of Missouri United Way,  this is the link to their very informative home page

Lunchtime Leadership Book Talks

Oct. 12, 2010
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
4F51-A Ellis Library

Have you got a favorite book on leadership or employee management?  What’s the best piece of advice about supervision that you’ve ever heard?  There are thousands of books and articles on this topic, but it’s hard to know where to start.

Sometimes the most practical advice can come from inside an organization, from people who have years of service and seen some ideas work, and some fail. Our Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk series* is designed to combine the two – knowledge from the literature with wisdom from experience. Not every bit of leadership advice works in every type of organization and this will be an opportunity to compare notes and discuss whether the concepts quoted in the books and articles could have application at our organization.

This will be an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

The Lunchtime series will meet monthly through the current academic year (but probably not as a standing date/time format). Feel free to attend as your schedule allows. I’m requesting RSVP’s for this first session in order to have a sense of attendance prior to the session (

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations.

*The idea for the series comes from Marie Concannon. Thanks, Marie!
