December Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The next Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk session will take place Dec. 17, from 12-1, room 4F51-A Ellis. This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees; Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. Also, go to and click on “Lunchtime Leadership Book Talks” to access leadership/management information discussed at the Nov. session (you may need to enter username and password).

The Technology Evaluation Subcommittee

The Technology Evaluation Subcommittee was created by the MU Information Technology Committee (MUITC) in order to assist in gathering information about new university process and technology needs to support teaching and learning, vetting potential technologies from a variety of perspectives, and to make optimal strategic recommendations for funding to the MUITC. The subcommittee meets monthly to examine proposed processes and technologies from a variety of perspectives, including university strategic direction, possible funding sources, support requirements, and depth and breadth of usefulness.

If you are an MU faculty, staff, or student and have an idea for a process or a technology that supports teaching and learning, you can submit it to the committee for consideration. Please fill out the form below, including as much detail as possible. We may contact you for further information or invite you to present your idea in person to the committee. Thank you for all you do to support teaching and learning at Mizzou!

Congratulations to the Winners of the United Way Drawing

Winners of the first drawing for Concert Series tickets:

Leo Agnew

Sue Barnes

Anne Barker

Dorothy Carner

Karen Eubanks

Winners of the second drawing for Concert Series tickets:

Judy Maseles

Karen Marshall

PT Martin

Colleen Smith

Bette Stuart

The winner of the Grand Prize – $75 gift certificate to Columbia Mall:

Gary Cox

Thanks to everyone who pledged a donation to 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign!

Forty-two employees of MU Libraries made pledges totaling over $ 6,600.   This equals  33 % participation of our current employees!

Thanks, to everyone who pledged, donated prizes, and help coordinate this year’s Campaign!!

~Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, & Paula Roper – – MU Libraries’ 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign Committee

Lunchtime Leadership

A reminder that this will take place Wednesday, Nov. 10, from 12-1, 4G41 Ellis Library. This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees. Contact Marie Concannon or Leo Agnew for more information.

Renovation of Ellis Library Elevators

The twin elevators in Ellis Library will be renovated starting Nov. 1 (approximately).  Campus found funding of $3 million for this project and one other similar project on campus. The money has be spent by June 2011. It will takes 12 weeks for each elevator to be renovated, and they will be done one at a time.  The renovation consists of replacement of all the elevator equipment, including the motor on top of building, and the elevator car. If during this process the elevator that is not currently being renovated malfunctions, repair men will be on site to handle these concerns immediately.

We know that this will slow some work processes down, but in the end we will have much better elevators.

If you have any additional concerns, please contact Pat Jones. Cindy Cotner will be handling any ADA issues that arise.

United Way Drawing Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st United Way drawing:

Ann Barker
Karen Eubanks
Leo Agnew
Dorothy Carner
Sue Barnes

All staff members who turned in their United Way pledge cards by Oct. 8 were eligible. The winners each won a pair of tickets to a concert series show.

The next drawing will include anyone who sent a pledge card in before the end of the day Friday, October 15th.  Prizes will include 5 more concert series tickets and a gift certificate to the Columbia Mall.