Call for Nominations – Tribute to MU Women 2011

The MU Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women invites you to nominate a woman to be honored at the “Tribute to MU Women 2011.” Women who are currently active MU faculty, staff or students and who meet the award’s criteria are eligible for nomination. For the criteria, additional information, and to submit a nomination, please see the Call for Nominations at, and access the nomination form as a link from that page or at Two short letters of support for each nominee must be submitted online by the February 14 deadline. Honorees will be recognized at a ceremony on Thursday, March 17 at 3:30 p.m. in Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union. All members of the MU community are invited to attend the event.

Riley Selected to Participate in ARL Research Library Leadership Fellows Program

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has selected 25 individuals to participate in the 2011–12 ARL Research Library Leadership Fellows (RLLF) Program. This executive leadership program meets the increasing demands for succession planning for research libraries with a new approach to preparing the next generation of deans and directors. Library directors are seeking a cohort of well-trained and sophisticated candidates who possess the necessary experience and perspective to succeed in premier leadership positions in large, complex institutions. The RLLF Program provides such a cohort.

The 2011–12 RLLF applicant pool was highly competitive. The selection committee, composed of the ARL directors sponsoring the program, chose 25 fellows representing a broad array of backgrounds and experiences and from multiple ARL institutions.

The 2011–12 Fellows are:

  • Scott Britton, Director of Access, Information, and Research Services, University of Miami Libraries
  • Kathryn Carpenter, Assistant University Librarian for the Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago Library
  • Jon Cawthorne, Associate University Librarian for Public Service, Boston College Libraries
  • John Culshaw, Professor and Associate Director for Administrative Services, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
  • José Diaz, Associate Curator, Ohio State University Libraries
  • Susan Fliss, Associate Librarian of Harvard College for Research, Teaching, and Learning, Harvard University Library
  • Margaret Fry, Associate Law Librarian for Administration, Georgetown University Library
  • Jeffrey Garrett, Associate University Librarian for Special Libraries & Director, Special Collections and Archives, Northwestern University Library
  • Heather Gendron, Head, Art Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries
  • Aleteia Greenwood, Head Librarian, Science & Engineering, University of British Columbia Library
  • Joseph Hafner, Associate Director, Collection Services, McGill University Library
  • Geneva Henry, Executive Director, Center for Digital Scholarship, Rice University Library
  • Joy Kirchner, Librarian for Collections, Licensing & Digital Scholarship, University of British Columbia Library
  • Jay Lambrecht, Associate University Librarian/Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Library
  • Sarah Leadley, Library Director, University of Washington Bothell & Cascadia Community College, and Associate Dean of Libraries, University of Washington Libraries
  • Jonathan LeBreton, Senior Associate University Librarian, Temple University Libraries
  • Vivian Lewis, Associate University Librarian, Organizational Development, McMaster University Libraries
  • Mark McFarland, Associate Director for Digital Initiatives, University of Texas Libraries
  • John Renaud, Director of Collection Strategies and Scholarly Communication, University of Miami Libraries
  • Ann Riley, Associate Director for Access, Collections, and Technical Services, University of Missouri-Columbia Library
  • Marianne Ryan, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Northwestern University Library
  • David Seaman, Associate Librarian for Information Management, Dartmouth College Library
  • Molly Tamarkin, Associate University Librarian, Information Technology, Duke University Libraries
  • Jennifer Taxman, Head of Access Services, Dartmouth College Library
  • Xuemao Wang, Associate Vice Provost, Emory University Libraries

For more information about the Research Library Leadership Fellows Program, see

Announcement About the Mathematical Sciences Library

Recently, we learned that Will McCrary, Library Information Specialist-II in the Math Library, will be leaving the University at the end of December to accept a new position at Columbia College. We wish him well in his new position. Due to the current budget situation and the ongoing hiring freeze, we are unable to seek an immediate replacement for Will. However, we intend to operate the Math Library through the Spring Semester with student staffing and with some changes in collections access and services. After the end of the academic year, when next year’s budget for the campus and the MU Libraries is finalized, we will determine how best to continue library services to Mathematics faculty and students.

Beginning in January, the following changes will be implemented:

Hours of the Library. The Math Library will be open Monday through Friday, from 9am to noon, and from 1pm to 5pm. The previous evening hours of 5pm to 8pm, and the early morning hour of 8am to 9am, will be eliminated. Faculty and second-year graduate students will retain their keys for access to the Library.

Library Collections. Existing book and journal collections will remain in the Math Library, but new books and journals will be made available in Ellis Library. Unbound Math journals will be shelved in a separate area of the Current Periodicals Reading Room (CPRR) on the main level of Ellis Library. New books and newly-bound journals will be shelved in a designated stack area of Ellis Library to be determined. Arrange­ments will be made to deliver interlibrary loan requests, books and bound journals to faculty at the Math Dept Office upon request. Online access to journals will be preferred whenever possible.

Reserve Materials. Current course reserve materials will remain in the Math Library. Requests to place materials on reserve should be forwarded to Ashley Nelson

Library Operations. Judy Siebert Maseles, Engineering Librarian, (882-2715, will handle questions regarding collections and services, including book and journal order requests. One daily mail delivery and pick-up between Ellis and other campus libraries will be maintained. Video equipment currently on hand in the Math Library will be transferred to Ellis Library Circulation. General questions may be directed to a new email address, which will be made available in the next two weeks.

News From Staff Development and Diversity Action Committees

SDC and DAC are assembling another year of interesting and engaging presentations and workshops for library employees. For the latest schedule information, go to for SDC events; DAC events are listed at

December Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The next Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place Dec. 17, 2010, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in room 4F51-A Ellis Library.

This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. RSVP’s are not required.

But, we ask you bring a brief something to share with the group, e.g., copies of the talking points of the book or journal article. For examples of documents shared at the Nov. session, go to – this leads to a SharePoint site.