List of Employees Being Recognized at May 21 Celebration of Service

2012 employees Benefit-eligible date Number of Years
Ruth Feldkamp 5/7/07 5
Dorothy Carner 6/1/07 5
Shannon Cary 11/10/07 5
Ann Riley 6/11/07 5
Joni Blake*
(GWLA position)
7/1/07 5
Jim Cogswell 4/15/02 10
Dan Akins 8/19/02 10
Anselm Huelsbergen 9/9/02 10
Mat Miller 11/4/02 10
Michael Holland 1/21/97 15
Deb Ward 7/1/97 15
Michael Spears 08/18/97 15
(Ivy)   Oi-chi Hui 02/15/97 15
Nina Johnson 8/1/97 15
Tony Schwartz 1/5/87 25
Felicity Dykas 05/18/87 25
Mary Hainen 8/17/87 25
Shelley Worden 9/13/82 30
Mary Ryan 2/1/1972 40
Total years of service 285

Digitization Interest Group – 2nd meeting

Please come and share your digitization projects and activities.  Last meeting we didn’t get around the whole room to hear what is happening.  This time, we’ll start with news and updates from everyone and save discussion items for the end.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ellis 4F51A

Can’t come?  Need more information?  Contact:

Felicity Dykas

Kelli Hansen

HathiTrust Announces New Board of Governors

(Ann Arbor, MI—March XX, 2012) — HathiTrust is announcing the composition of its newly elected 12-member Board of Governors, which will lead the library collaborative into its next phase. The board, which replaces the Executive Committee that was established by the founding members in 2008, will oversee HathiTrust’s 10-million volume digital preservation repository, research center, and other initiatives. The decision to create the board was made during the HathiTrust Constitutional Convention held in October 2011, which was convened to chart its governance structure and priorities going forward.

Members of the Board elected at-large from the participating institutions are:

Five year terms:

Betsy Wilson (University of Washington)

Robert Wolven (Columbia University)


Four year terms:

Richard Clement (Utah State University)

Patricia Steele (University of Maryland)


Three year terms:

Carol Mandel (New York University)

Sarah Michalak (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)


They will join six other members appointed by the founding institutions, each of whom will serve a term of five years:

Carol Diedrichs (Ohio State University)

Wendy Lougee (University of Minnesota)

Bradley Wheeler (Indiana University)

Laine Farley (California Digital Library)

Brian Schottlaender (UC San Diego)

Paul Courant (University of Michigan)

“The caliber of all the nominees was outstanding, and it speaks well for the future of HathiTrust to have this group of wonderfully qualified, enthusiastic leaders installed as our new board,” said John Wilkin, Executive Director of HathiTrust.

The board officially begins work on April 16, 2012. Among its first priorities will be to implement the remaining proposals passed during the constitutional convention. These initiatives call for the establishment of a distributed archive of print monographs corresponding to the digital copies held in HathiTrust; the creation of an approval process for proposed new initiatives, a fee-for-service model for content deposit, and a mechanism for allowing non-partners to contribute content to the repository; and a coordinated effort to expand access to digitized U.S. federal government documents.

HathiTrust is a collaboration of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. There are more than sixty partners in HathiTrust, and membership is open to institutions worldwide. The HathiTrust Digital Library brings together the digitized collections of some of the world’s largest libraries, making them discoverable and accessible today and for generations to come. More information about HathiTrust can be found at

Contact:  Lynne Raughley (

Happy Researcher, Happy Librarians

In January, a researcher in Baltimore noticed a title he had not seen before, related directly to his research, in WorldCat.  The University of Missouri is the only owning library, and he wrote to us to ask about the book.  His request found its way to June DeWeese, who found the item and had it digitized (thanks to Felicity Dykas, Elaine Huntsucker and Regina Guccione).   The researcher wrote back, delighted, indicating the item is indeed one of a kind.  It is a book assembled in 1814 by a scholar and collector of fine arts and illuminated manuscripts, Robert Gilmor, 1774-1848. Brian Cain recently did major enhancement of the WorldCat record.  We are happy to report the book is on its way to Special Collections, and its image is available at

–Ann Riley

Float Your Boat: Float for the Food Bank

The College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is teaming up with The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri to present the first Mid-Missouri cardboard boat regatta!  This event will bring groups together to collaborate on an innovative, team-building project, culminating with a fun, unique competition — all the while supporting a great cause!

Students, faculty, staff and administrators…. can all participate! Teams are encouraged to get creative with their cardboard boats — go crazy with themed boats and costumes to match.

The regatta will be held Saturday, April 21, at Philips Lake Park in south Columbia. Learn more at

Upcoming Changes to Findit@MU (open URL resolver)

OCLC’s announcement that it would cease supporting 1CATE and Swets’ subsequent decision to move to TDNet will result in changes to the MU Libraries’ open URL resolver.  We will lose access to SwetsWise Linker on March 31.  Due to the short time frame and the massive amount of data to be managed, we have elected not to utilize TDNet.  Serials Solutions’ 360 Link has been selected as the interim link resolver because the majority of our holdings data is already in the Serials Solutions’ system due to our current Summon subscription and an existing contract was in place with the other 3 UM campuses.

A team comprised of Ann Riley, Diane Johnson, David Walsh, Karen Darling, Felicity Dykas and Rhonda Whithaus are working on the implementation of 360 Link.  The service will still be called Findit@MU but there will be changes in the screen displays and how it works.  A list of the tasks identified for this implementation is listed below for your review.  If you think of items not listed that need to be addressed, please contact a member of the implementation team.

We will be updating links on the libraries’ web pages, LibGuides, in the databases and online resources, etc., to the new resolver by the end of March.  However, we are very pleased and thankful to report that OCLC has agreed to support the existing in-bound links to 1CATE until the end of the semester in May.  This means that we do not have to worry about replacing the links to 1CATE in ERes and Blackboard until the semester is over.

If you have questions, please contact a member of the implementation team.