Freeman Completes Quality Matters Training

Annelise Freeman our E-Learning Librarian recently completed training for Quality Matters Applying the QM Rubric.  This two-week workshop focused on assuring quality in online courses through consideration of alignment between objectives, resources, technology, and assessment. The University of Missouri is a member of Quality Matters and uses its standards for course review.  The instructional designers and academic technology liaisons with ET@MO are also trained with Quality Matters rubric.  Annelise works closely with ET@MO and fills a similar role at the library as the ATL’s do with their departments. This training provides support for designing online courses and will help the libraries meet standards when working with faculty using library resources in their online courses.

Way We Serve Statement Discussion Group

A few of us attended an ALA Virtual Conference session presented by Steven Bell about “Way We Serve”statements.” A “Way We Serve” statement is an easily remembered phrase that provides employees a context for every decision they make in service to direct reports, team members and customers. We were interested in getting a group of interested MU Libraries employees together to discuss this topic and how such a statement might work for us. If you are interested, please contact me (Shannon) by next Friday, Oct. 5. After we find out who is interested, we will set up a time and place for the discussion.

–Shannon Cary and Darell Schmick

Digitization Interest Group Meeting

September 17, 2012
2:00-3:15 pm
Ellis 4F51A

Come to hear and share news related to digitization projects and interests.

1) Conference/workshop reports:

Anne Barker:  XML in Action: Creating Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Texts

Dorothy Carner:  IFLA Preconference: The Electronic Re-Evolution—News Media in the Digital Age

Felicity Dykas:  DigCCurr Professional Institute: Curation Practices for the Digital Object Lifecycle


2) Updates from the floor
–Felicity Dykas