Student Fee Funding Received for Ellis Library Study Space

We are pleased to annonce that the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee has decided to fund $29,959 toward our request for the expansion of the 4th floor study space in Ellis Library.

Since Ellis Library will be losing 40% of student study space during Renew Mizzou, we need to expand our available study space in other areas. We will expand the current study area on 4th Floor East by taking down rooms 4C12 & 4B11, repainting the north wall and upgrading the current electrical load. We are also hoping to upgrade the electrical on the south side of 4th Floor East, which is already in use as a study space. Soft seating from the 1st floor study areas and current library furniture will continue to be redistributed in the area.

As Renew Mizzou will be using all of the quiet study space in Ellis, acoustic sound dampening material will be installed throughout these areas and in Rm 4D11 to help with noise.

We are hoping to complete the project this summer.

Pat Jones and PT Martin submitted the proposal on behalf of the MU Libraries.

Changes in Ellis Library Due to Renew Mizzou Project

Due to the Renew Mizzou building renovation project, some changes are coming to Ellis Library.

What are the changes?

·         Rooms 114, 201 and 202 will no longer be quiet-study areas for the remainder of Spring Semester due to renovations to those areas. However, during weekends and evenings, when workmen are not present, these rooms will be designated as quiet-study areas.

·         Books and other materials located in rooms 114 and 202 will be moved to other locations in Ellis Library and to the Law Library. (See list below.)

·         From March 19 through April 4, drilling will be done in room 202 to install new wiring. Rooms 202 and 114 will be closed to the public during this time to perform the work. We sincerely regret this disturbance, which was not expected to begin until after Commencement.

·         From April 5 through Commencement weekend, May 18, rooms 114 and 202 will be open to the public for study. However, a portion of room 114 that is being renovated to create an area for group programs, will remain closed until after the completion of the Renew Mizzou project.

·         After Commencement weekend, May 18, rooms 114 and 202 will be closed to the public and will become office space for MU’s Admissions and Financial Aid offices. They will occupy this space for the remainder of the Renew Mizzou project, which will continue at least through June, 2015.

Where can I go for quiet study space in Ellis Library?

·         Quiet study space is available on 3 east and 4 east.

Where are the materials that have been moved from 114 and 202?

·         Current periodicals and DVDs are at the south end of the Reference stacks.

·         Newsprint is in the Colonnade.

·         Microprint from room 201 is now in the Law Library.

·         Most materials from room 202 will be moved into room 201.

·         English and Romance Languages seminar materials from room 202 will be moved to outside room 213.

·         Computers in room 114 will be moved to room 4D12.

Renew Mizzou involves the renovation of Jesse Hall, Swallow Hall and Pickard Hall with staff from those buildings displaced to other spaces on campus.


Updates on Mold Situation

  • A contract for mold remediation is expected to be awarded in early March.
  • We are continuing to work with Campus Facilities to locate alternative storage facilities for the materials that are currently located at U2.
  • We are pursuing a grant opportunity to help pay for costs associated with the mold infestation.
  • We have raised $2,880 towards a goal of $50,000 for the Collection Enhancements Fund to assist with MU Libraries' response to the mold bloom.

Ellis Library West Side Repairs

The west side stairwell of Ellis Library up to 3 west will be open starting Tuesday, January 21. The construction workers will continue their work over the holiday weekend. The hallway directly in front of room 202 will remain closed for the time being, and patrons will continue to access room 202 through room 201. If you have questions, please contact Security.



(Does not apply to University of Missouri Healthcare System)
Fresh Cut and Live Christmas Trees
1. All natural trees and evergreen boughs set up in University facilities are to be sprayed with a fire retardant material (this does not apply to “U.L. Listed” artificial trees labeled as “Fire Resistant”).
2. When purchasing a fresh cut tree, be sure the tree and/or boughs are not dried out. To check, grasp a branch about 6” from the end and firmly slide it between your fingers to the tip. If the tree is fresh, no needles will come off. No red cedar trees or red cedar boughs are to be used under any circumstances due to their fast drying nature.
3. After purchasing a tree, keep it in water and outside the facility until the time you set it up. When you are ready to display it, saw approximately 2” off the bottom of the trunk to assist in absorption of water.
4. Be sure the tree is placed in a sturdy, broad-based stand which will hold water and be sure to keep water in the stand at all times. Check water level daily.
5. There will be no designated drop-off/pickup location on campus property for disposal of Christmas trees. Do not put trees in dumpsters or outside on the curb, in the yard, or other locations. The City of Columbia provides drop-off locations for recycling. For details, go to .
All Holiday Decorations
1. Live, fresh-cut, and artificial Christmas trees must not be placed near a stairway, radiator, exit, hallway, or any other location where the tree, if standing or fallen, would block an escape route, signage or increase fire risk.
2. Check to see that artificial trees are Underwriters’ Laboratories (U.L.) listed and labeled “Fire Resistant”.
3. Only use lighting that is listed by U.L. or other independent testing laboratory. Before putting lights on trees or other decorations, inspect for frayed cords, loose connections, broken sockets, exposed wires and general safety. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the maximum number of lights on any one circuit. Do not use real candles or other open flames on Christmas trees or as room decorations.
4. Turn off and unplug all decorative lights when there is no one to monitor them.
5. Electrical tree lights are not to be used on metallic trees due to the ever present danger of electrocution.
6. Avoid use of electrical extension cords if possible and never use them for periods exceeding 30 days. Never run extension cords under rugs, behind or beneath furniture.
We encourage you to contact Environmental Health and Safety if you have questions or need additional information at 882-7018 or

Information Regarding Closing of Ellis Library to Public on Wednesday, November 27

  • Ellis Library will be closed to the public while renovation to the plumbing takes place. Water to the entire building will be turned off.
  • Ellis Library will open to staff only at the normal hour of 6:45 am and close at 5:00 pm.
  • Staff will need to use plumbing facilities elsewhere on campus. Memorial Union, the Arts and Science Classroom Building and the Mizzou Student Center will be open for access to restrooms.
  • Staff members are encouraged to take vacation or personal time time if possible on this day. As usual, prior supervisor approval is required.
  • The north entrance to Ellis will be completely closed to both the public and employees. Staff working in Ellis that day will need to use the west entrance for access during the day. The loading dock will be available for entry and exit as usual.
  • Staff members will need to present ID or identify themselves by name when entering the building because Security staff may not recognize all Ellis Library employees.
  • Circulation will not be open to provide services to staff.


Updates on Ellis Library Renovation

  •  Renovations to Ellis Library are expected to begin in mid-November.
  • The doors before the stairwell next to room 202 will be closed off as repairs are made to the stairwell. You will still be able to access room 202 through room 201.
  • A break room will be created for the staff moving into Ellis Library due to Renew Mizzou. This breakroom will created in some office space that is right outside of room 202.
  • The women's bathroom close to room 202 will be renovated and will become a unisex bathroom.
  • Renovations to room 114: a door will be added and a room for presentations will be built on the north side of the room.
  • Renovations are expected to be complete by mid-Feburary.