Information and Action Items from LMT 1/13/15

INFORMATION ITEM: The Student Health Center is posting a map on their website that will indicate designated napping areas around campus. They asked if the Libraries would like to designate a place within the Libraries and be included on the map. Although naps are not discouraged in MU Libraries, LMT would prefer not to designate a specific area for napping or be advertised as a designated napping location. MU Libraries will not be listed on the map.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT reviewed the most recent draft of the Mold Chronology and addressed questions and comments by Interim Provost Ken Dean.

INFORMATION ITEM: Concerning the Student Fee Working Group – Matt Gaunt joined LMT to discuss the various tasks that are known to be essential to the student fee campaign and brainstorm who might be assigned to them. At the 1/13/15, 4:00 p.m. SFWG meeting Matt hopes to further clarify who is assigned to what task and to assign target dates for completion. 

Director’s Calendar January 19th – 23rd

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, January 19th
MU Libraries is closed for Martin Luther King Day.

Tuesday, January 20th
2:00–3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – Student Library Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, January 21st
9:00 a.m. – Jim Cogswell will join the meeting of the MU Librarian and Archivists Council (MULAC), Ellis Library

3:00-4:00 p.m. – Quarterly meeting of the UM Library Directors with the four MU Campus Chief Information Officers, Telepresence Room

Thursday, January 22nd  
9:00-10:00 p.m. – MULAC Officers meet with Jim Cogswell, Ellis Library

Campus Diversity Programming

Perhaps your new year’s resolution is to work even harder towards building a welcoming and inclusive campus community? If so, I’ve got just the thing… the Spring 2015 Workplace Diversity Series! For more information on any of these session or to pre-register, please visit:

Friday, January 30, 2015 – A Culturally-Competent Mizzou Begins with Me and You! Noon to 1:30 p.m., Student Center, 2205 A & B

Friday, March 6, 2015 – Responding to Mental Health Issues in the Workplace Noon to 1:30 p.m., Student Center 2205 A & B

Friday, April 17, 2015 – Microaggressions at Mizzou Noon to 1:30 p.m., Student Center 1209 A & B

There is still room in the two upcoming Spring sessions of Diversity 101. This online course is free of charge. For more information and to register:

Columbia: A Photographic History, Jan. 31

Columbia: A Photographic History
January 31, 2015
1:30 p.m.

The State Historical Society of Missouri’s Research Center–Columbia

Join us as Valerie Battle Kienzle presents her new book, Columbia, an illustrated history of Columbia, Missouri. Her interest in history is closely tied to her family: she, her brother, and her mother share ownership of a restored home and farmland that have been in the family since 1796. A 1980 graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism in Columbia, she has worked for more than 30 years in various writing-related positions, including newspaper reporter, corporate public affairs manager, advertising account representative, school district communications writer, and freelance writer. She is the author of St. Charles, published in 2012 as part of Arcadia Publishing Company's Postcard History Series.

New Posts, Jan. 5-9

  1. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 12/30/14
  2. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, 1/6/15
  3. Director's Calendar, Jan. 12-16
  4. MU Librarian in the News
  5. MCAC College Adviser Positions Open for Application
  6. City of Columbia Recycling Announces Big Changes
  7. Mandatory Training
  8. Welcome to Julie Christenson
  9. Web Tips of the Week
  10. Employment Opportunity
  11. Barb Jones Wins Award at Medical Library Meeting
  12. Amigos Update

Information and Action Items from LMT 12/30/14

Information Item: LMT discussed potential library renovation plans related to the Student Fee Proposal. 

  • The most compelling case to be made for the fee will be to illustrate to students how additional funding would create more study space and better access to instructional and student-centered services. 
  • A number of vague options and general directions for renovation need to be specified in order to finish the portion of the proposal that focuses on the physical layout of library space.

Several Issues and questions were raised that will be discussed further with Cyndi Curnutte of University Design Services on January 20th.

  • When enough specifics of the project are known, Cyndi can make estimates of the costs for the fee proposal.

    • She will also help produce promotional material such as “concept illustrations”.


Information and Action Items from LMT 1/6/15

ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to recommend Library representation on the following MU IT Transition Subcommittees:

  • Research
  • Technology – User, Device and App Support
  • Technology – Infrastructure
  • Organizational Design & Structure
  • Web Standards

INFORMATION ITEM: Jeannette Pierce officially proposed the reorganization of the RAIS division that has been developed over the past six months.  Jeannette will compose an announcement to communicate with staff and will possibly review during the All Staff Meeting next week, if there is time. 

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed vacancies in various departments throughout the Libraries.  They highlighted temporary solutions and resolved to further discuss what might be done in the longer term at a meeting when all members are present.  (Ann Riley was absent from this meeting.)

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT discussed the tentative agenda for the upcoming All Staff Meeting on January 15:

  • Introduce new employees.
  • Review of the budget presentation that Jim made to the BAAC.

    • Budget Allocation Advisory Committee
  • Student Library Fee update by Matt Gaunt.
  • Renew Mizzou update – if there is any new information on progress at Jesse Hall.
  • Update on mold remediation project.  
  • Other possible topics if there is time on the agenda:

    • RAIS Reorganization Proposal.
    • Centennial update

The agenda will be finalized and communicated to staff prior to the meeting.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries is assembling a chronology of what transpired between the time MU Libraries discovered the mold and the end of 2014.   


Director’s Calendar January 12th – 16th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, January 12th
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – MU Alumni Association 2015 Geyer Award Reception, Jefferson City

Tuesday, January 13th
8:00-9:00 a.m. – UM Library Directors Meeting via TelePresence room, Ellis Library

2:00–3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – Student Library Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Thursday, January 15th
2:00-3:30 p.m. – MU Libraries All Staff Meeting, Ellis Auditorium