Active Shooter Training

MUPD will be delivering Active Shooter Training for MU Library staff on Wednesday, March 25, from 6-10pm. There will be both a classroom and an active part to the training. This session is limited to 25 people. Please contact Sheryl Cullina if you are interested in attending.

Mizzou Cares Crisis Resource Line

Mizzou Cares Crisis Resource Line has recently been created (882-3970).  By calling one number and listening to the prompts, you will be able to press the prompts you need such as the non-emergency lines for CPD and MU Police, the Counseling Center and the Employee Assistance Program,  the At-Risk Committee, the Title IX office, and Student Health.   Please note – this is simply a phone tree line that can help you get to the correct campus office.  If you need emergency assistance, call 911.


New FERPA Release for Student Employees

If you have a student worker who, as part of their Library job, is producing work job that might be published (electronically or in print), please be sure to have them sign a FERPA release. This release allows the MU Libraries to publish student work – The release form is online in the Forms section of the staff webpage. Please contact Sheryl Cullina or Sheena Waggoner if you have any questions.

Hansen Wins ACRL Conference Scholarship

Congratulations to Kelli Hansen! She’s been awarded an ACRL 2015 Early-career Librarian scholarship:

“On behalf of ACRL and the 2015 Scholarship Committee, thank you for your interest in the ACRL conference and all of the time and hard work you put in to your application.

The purpose of the scholarship is to provide opportunities for librarians with less than six years of post-MLS experience to update their skills and knowledge by participating in an ACRL professional development experience. We hope that you enjoy this unique opportunity and make the most of all of the educational programming and networking events ACRL 2015 has to offer. We had 263 applicants this year, and awarded 120 scholarships in this category.

This scholarship provides you with a complimentary registration ( $385 value), and a $250 travel stipend to defray your conference expenses.”

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 1/27/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Sheryl Cullina joined LMT to discuss personnel related issues. Among the topics discussed were:

  • The current and upcoming vacancies within and across MU Libraries. ​
  • How to proceed regarding the vacancies in light of upcoming budget challenges:

    • An upcoming acquisitions deficit due to inflation.
    • The 2% campus give-back. ​
    • The campus directive to create FY2016 salary increase pools internally.

      • No money from central administration is expected.
    • The need to hire replacement staff for bare essential coverage.
    • The need to cut Acquisitions if there is not an increase of funding.
  • How the student fee will influence funding and vacancies if the currently drafted version should pass.

    • A preview of salary adjustments and increases (if fee is passed as currently written).
    • A list of what current and new positions would be filled (if fee is passed as currently written).
  • What positions to post, if any, in the meantime when we do not know the outcome of the student fee proposal.

Discussions remain ongoing.

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt joined the LMT meeting to discuss the Student Fee Core Messages. He led LMT on a brainstorming session that he planned to replicate in the Student Fee Working Group. The eventual outcome will be a prioritized list of 5-10 essential messages that MU Libraries want to communicate about the student fee proposal. These will be used to create promotional material of various lengths for various intended audiences.

Director’s Calendar February 2nd – 6th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, February 3rd  
2:00–3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – Student Library Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, February 4th
11:00 a.m. – Student Fee Library Student Worker Forums

3:00 p.m. – Student Fee Library Staff Forums

Thursday, February 5th
9:00 a.m. – Student Fee Library Staff Forums

3:00 p.m. – Student Fee Library Student Worker Forums