Douglas Niedt, A Classical Guitar Performance on April 16


Join us in Ellis Library’s Grand Reading Room for a performance by Douglas Niedt!

This special event is sponsored by Friends of the MU Libraries, with reception to follow. 

Mr. Niedt is not only a brilliant master of his instrument, but a performer of great sensitivity. The wealth of sound and the dynamic finesse which he elicits from the guitar make him a worthy companion of the few great guitarists such as Andres Segovia and Julian Bream."

Student Fee Working Group Meeting

4/7/14, 4-5 p.m.
159 Ellis

Attending: Nancy Messina, Shannon Cary, Matt Gaunt, Freddy Martinez-Garcia, Brian Cain, Jeannette Pierce, Kimberly Moeller, Nav Khanal, Mark Ellis, Ann Riley, Bryce McDonald, Isa Dasho, Kat Stone Underwood, Deb Ward, Jim Cogswell 

  • One large general open forum about the Proposed Fee to be held in April.

    • Hosted by MSA and  possibly GPC. 
    • Will take place in Ellis Auditorium.
    • Will be 90 minutes or so somewhere between 4:30 – 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 23rd
    • The MU Libraries Events Team will work with the students chosen from MSA/GPC to plan the details of the forum.
  • Shelby Catalano’s draft of the referendum text was submitted to the MSA Senate:

    • The deadline for having it read three times before it makes it on the ballot had arrived. 
    • Small adjustments can still be made. 
    • LMT is in the process of making their recommended wording suggestions.
  • Fee Type – Still an unkown.

    • At the time of the SFWG meeting the fee was leaning toward being an “Education Fee”. 

      • With possible oversight by a reconfigured Library Committee that had more student representation. 
    • UPDATE:  as of 4/10/15, the latest suggestion was to not specify the fee in the referendum but spell out that the Student Fee Review Committee will have oversight.  
  • Matt to meet with the Graduate/Professional Council general assembly on April 7th. Hope to get a letter of support from GPC for the referendum. 
  • Creative Portfolios Class – Curtis Taylor Jr. will accompany Matt Gaunt to review of the results of assignment related to the Library Fee. 

    • Matt presented the Proposal for a Student Library Fee to the class of Mark Swanson, an MU School of Journalism Strategic Communications Professor. 
    • Ten sets of 2 students will propose a promotional plan as a class assignment.
  • Sharing information and opportunities to be involved beyond the Working Group.

    • Individuals outside the working group can be assigned to a task group or subcommittees as needed.



Board Game Nights at Ellis Library

This semester the MU Libraries piloted two evenings of Board Game Night in Ellis Library as a new way to engage students in the library. The first was in February and the second took place on April 9th. Both events were small, but definitely a success! Students came and enjoyed an evening of meeting new people and learning new games. Students played games such as Ticket to Ride, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Word Dominoes, Bang and many others. Each evening had different games as student and staff brought games from home to share and play.

The students who came really appreciated the efforts of the library to provide this event, and they asked who they needed to talk to in order to make these more frequent!  So we know this is something the students would like to see in the future.

As coordinator of these evenings, I would like to thank everyone who helped make these events possible. 

Nancy Messina

Director’s Calendar April 6th – 11th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, April 6th       
2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

4:00-5:00 p.m. – Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Thursday, April 9th
8:30-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, MU Campus

3:00-5:00 p.m. – All Chairs Council, MU Campus

Friday, April 10th
6:00-9:00 p.m. – Library Society Reception and Dinner with honored guest Director of the National Library of Medicine Dr. Don Lindberg, Reynolds Alumni Center

Saturday, April 11th 
10:00-11:30 a.m. – Friends of the Library Council meeting, Reynolds Alumni Center

12:00 Noon – 2:00 p.m. – Friends of the Library Annual Luncheon, Reynolds Alumni Center

MU Libraries Participate in MU Remembers

Each year the members of the Mizzou family commemorate the lives of students who have passed away during the past year at an event called MU Remembers.That event occured today, April 3 at 2 pm. Jim Cogswell always attends this event as a representative of the MU Libraries. 

To serve as a memorial and tribute to the contribution of each student, the Libraries place a book in the collection that is related to the student's major or interests. A personalized bookplate is placed in each book and the book record in the computer catalog also states that the book has been placed in the collection as a memorial to the student. Letters with the title and cover of the book are sent to the parents. We have received many thank you notes from parents and some parents come to the library to look at the books.

In the future, there are plans to create an MU Remembers LibGuide with a complete listing of all the MU Remembers books.

If you would like more information about MU Remembers, you can visit