Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 4/21/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt and Cyndi Curnutte joined LMT to discuss the Ellis Library space renovation component of the Proposed Student Library Fee.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT chose one of four possible revisions to the 1ST Floor renovation plan of Ellis Library.  The new options all open up sightlines and create a more natural traffic flow between the new spaces that will be created on the first floor.   

INFORMATION ITEM: Each of the new fist floor plans (mentioned above) rearrange areas that were created in previous drafts and discussions. The new spaces that may be created on the first floor include:

  • More study spaces in general

    • Well lit glass alcoves near East windows
    • Computer stations
    • “Plug and play” stations
    • More soft seating
    • Casual study and meet places
    • Additional study rooms
  • A Maker Space
  • Electronic Classroom
  • Digital Media labs
  • Digital Media offices
  • Additional office space for new positions

​ (All renovation plans are part of the student fee proposal and would only be possible with new funding.  They also will require moving more of the Library collection to offsite storage. )

INFORMATION ITEM: From the agreed upon first floor space plan, Matt Gaunt hopes to acquire high quality renderings to help promote the Proposed Student Library Fee. 

Director’s Calendar April 20th – 24th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, April 21st        
1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library

2:00-3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

3:30-5:00 p.m. – Student Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Wednesday, April 22th
11:00 a.m. – Library Committee Meeting, Ellis Library

Student Fee Working Group Update

  • MSA will hold an open forum about the student fee at Ellis Auditorium on April 23 at 7pm. This forum will be for undergraduate students. Matt Gaunt will present. The Libraries will distribute a short survey about the fee. 
  • The Libraries will pass out food and fliers to promote the forum next Wednesday and Thursday in Speaker's Circle.
  • The Social Media Group took pictures of Truman the Tiger on April 15 in various locations throughout Ellis Library. These photos are already being used on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Student fee information can be found at This website will be redesigned once the campaign strategy has been finalized.

Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 04/7/15

Bryce McDonald and Pat Jones Joined LMT for relevant portions of the meeting.

ACTION ITEM: LMT approved the proposed pilot program to install digital signage behind the Ellis Library Circulation desk and also resolved to purchase a second monitor to be placed in Ellis Library near the Reference Desk or in the colonnade.  Expansion of the pilot will be explored as soon as the first two are in place.  The next location considered will be the Health Sciences Library.  

INFORMATION ITEM: The process of managing content of digital signage was discussed. LTS will provide programing.  The Librarians and Social Media Task Force will help create content. Communications Officer Shannon Cary will help with design and ensure messaging is consistent with campus standards and guidelines. Keeping content current and up-to-date will be a shared responsibility.

ACTION ITEM: To ensure Library employees in Ellis Library and the Specialized Libraries are familiar with what to do in an emergency and what their roles are in regards to assisting patrons in an emergency, Ellis Library Security will schedule meetings with each Library Division to review and present the procedures that they currently review with new employees upon hire.

For the Specialty Libraries, LMT and the Libraries Safety Officer Pat Jones will work in conjunction with the building coordinators from the respective buildings to ensure procedures are known and communicated.

It was also resolved that full emergency drills will be conducted at the Libraries:

  • One for evacuating out of the building – during Campus Fire Protection Week (Fall Semesters).
  • One for evacuating to safe areas within the various buildings – during Severe Weather Awareness Week (Spring Semester).

INFORMATION ITEM: A proposal was submitted from ELSFAC to make a study room out of 4C51 Ellis Library (fourth floor). After discussion it was decided the room is needed for a staging area for items coming into the Catalog Department. (Large batches of items related to the Mellon Grant project will soon require space to store and process.  No other area is immediately known that could serve this purpose.) The idea may be revisited at a later time.

ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to make the intersession hours of Ellis Library more consistent.  They recommend staying open Sunday through Thursday until 7:00 p.m.

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim asked LMT members to pass on to him their suggestions for the Top Ten list of most Notable Achievements of MU Libraries for academic year 2014/2015.

Staff Recognition Week

Staff Recognition Week will be May 18-22, 2015. All activities listed are free. For a complete schedule, visit

Monday May 18
Online Auction Opens – 9am
Awards Ceremony – 1:30-3pm
Free MizzouRec Classes – various times

Tuesday May 19
HR Classes – various times
Arts & Crafts Showcase – opening at Noon – 5pm
Free MizzouRec Classes – various times

Wednesday May 20
Fun Day – 10am-3pm at MizzouRec
     Free Mizzou Rec Activities include: climbing wall, swimming, MizzouRec Classes, volleyball, soccer, football, & tours.
     Games, DJ, & lots of FUN!
Arts & Crafts Showcase – 8am-5pm
Ice Cream Social – 11am at Mizzou Rec

Thursday May 21
Free Lunch at the Student Center – 11am
     Lunch includes: BBQ pork, black bean burgers, live music
Arts & Crafts Showcase – 8am-5pm
HR Classes – various times
Free MizzouRec classes – various times

Friday May 22
Free MizzouRec classes – various times
Online Auction Closes – 4pm


Notes from the Director, April 15, 2016

Hello everyone,

Some of you know that several LMT members and I had our annual budget meeting with the Provost this past Monday.  No surprises; we knew we had to take a 5% cut to our total budget, and that is what we showed in the spreadsheets we presented to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Finance. We included all the cuts we’ve discussed before, to library hours and to our collections budget.

Most of you know that MERLIN has been looking at its relationship with MOBIUS for the last five years or so. In this time of extreme budget scrutiny, the MERLIN directors have decided to seek a more affordable way to participate in MOBIUS, perhaps through a direct contract with Innovative. We remain committed to state-wide borrowing and are working with the MOBIUS Board to find a solution that brings Merlin system cost closer to the market rate for our ILS services. More information should be available in a few months.

Today in a few minutes I will attend the Mizzou Remembers event to honor the memory of students who died this year.  Special thanks to Sean Witzman, Corrie Hutchinson and Cindy Cotner for helping to provide books in memory of the deceased.

Tonight is the annual Library Society dinner at which we honor donors to the libraries. Thanks to all of you who help with that, too.
