Library Assembly Elections

The following departments will be holding elections for new Library Assembly representatives in May. The new terms will start July 1, 2015 and will run for 3 years.

  •          Administration (Admin support, HR, Fiscal, Development, Communications, Receiving Room)
  •          RAIS (User Engagement, Research Services, Instructional Services, Government Information and Data Archives, Online Services, Geology, Recorded Sound, ELearning)

If you are in one of these departments, you will soon receive information on how to vote for a representative.


Student Fee Working Group 4/21/15

Attending, Nancy M., Freddy, Mark, Deb W., Matt G., Cindy C., Bryce M. Jim C. Cyndi C., Judy M. Nav K, Kimberly M, Ann R. Jeannette P., Brian C., Isa Dasho, Kat, Sheryl C., Shannon Cary, Dorothy Carner.

  • Potential Space renovation plan should the student fee pass.

    •  Cyndi Curnutte, from University Space Planning and Design Services, attended the first part of the meeting to review recent developments of Ellis Library Renovation plans.
    • Some effort had been made to improve sightlines and create a more open feel to the most recent design of the first floor.
  • Matt G. – General updates.

    • The Creative Portfolios class that used the Student Library Fee as a class assignment has completed their presentations. 

      • One team’s fee promotion concept was considered the best.  
      •  Jim and Matt will be seeing if they can hire those two team members to help with the actual student fee promotion.  
  • Social Media Committee – update.

    • We have an events page for the student forum this week.
    • Truman’s visit on April 15th  was a huge success.
  • Funding – the Library has received $6,000 so far in gifts to help promote the Library Fee.
  • Library ambassadors

    • Last meeting for semester will be 4/29/15  
    • Cindy Cotner to take over coordination of ambassadors in the Fall Semester.
  • Forum update – MSA

    • Monday, the Pride hosted a pop-up event in speaker circle.  

      • 200 hot box cookies distributed.  
    • Wed and Thur – MU Libraries will host the same at speaker circle.

      • Harold’s donuts 10 – 12 noon (200 donuts).
      • Bucks ice-cream 100 6 oz bucks ice-cream.
    • The event on Thursday will focus on a “Save Club Ellis” theme and will have a “club” atmosphere

      • Red carpet, dj, lights, free food.
    • Students will be given survey on the way in.
  • GPC – forum Monday May 4th in Leadership auditorium at 6 p.m.

MU Informatics Institute & Association for Information Science and Technology Speaker Series

Please join MUII and the MU Student Chapter of ASIS&T for a talk given by Dr. Tiffany Veinot (University of Michigan)·  

  • When: Monday April 27, 12:00-1:00
  • Where: Memorial Union N222/223 
  • Talk Title: How “Community” Matters for Health Informatics: Conceptualizing Informatics Interventions for Health Disparity Populations

This event is free and open to the public; brought to you in part by student activity fees.

What would health information technologies look like if we placed the experiences and needs of marginalized groups at the center of their design and implementation? This is a critical question given that the majority of health informatics research thus far has focused on relatively socio-economically advantaged groups. To address this gap, I will present results from a series of community-based studies with populations that experience health disparities related to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as diabetes and hypertension. Drawing from the results of these studies, I will present new conceptual frameworks that highlight community-level mediators/facilitators of health information access and use which may be amenable to intervention. These potential intervention targets include: 1) information networks and institutional capacity; 2) community involvement-based mediators of information use; 3) collective trust; and 4) patient work systems that emerge within disadvantaged community contexts. These findings provide a basis for future research focused on a novel area of health informatics practice: community-level interventions that address health disparities by intervening at the community (or “meso”) level of social organization.

Black History Month 2016

Paula Roper is the elected chair of the Black History Month Planning Committee for 2016. Charlie Nilon, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, is co-chair. Already generating significant program ideas for February, Rachel Brekhus has agreed to serve on the committee. Paula would like the coming Black History Month to be one in which the library plays a most strategic and integral role and looks forward to your advice, assistance, cooperation and participation in making this a reality.