Celebration of Service Comments 2017

5 Years

Eric was here long before I started, and I have had to lean on his knowledge of course reserves from the beginning. During that period, he has proven his worth repeatedly. He is quick to offer solutions to problems, share his knowledge with others, has several times covered the late shift, diligently performed his duties, and all the while keeping a jovial attitude. Eric’s friendly disposition ingratiates him to patrons and staff alike. He is part of what makes this a nice place, and the Library would indeed be much different without him.
–Burt Fields

Geoffrey Preckshot is relentless in the pursuit of making U2 a better, safer, more efficient place to work. He is constantly adapting to help assemble what is undoubtedly one of the world’s most challenging jigsaw puzzles—the U2 collection. Geoffrey is a trusted member of the UMLD team and always pushes us to not be complacent; instead, looking ever forward to what we can still improve upon.
–Kevin McFillen

While this is Jacqueline’s first year as an Ellis Library employee, it is not her first time working in this building. She began her MU career in 2012. While she was working as an International Admissions Evaluator for the International Admissions office, she was one of the lucky Renew MIZZOU folks that shared Ellis Library with us. I am so pleased that she chose to apply for the Business Support Specialist Sr position in the University Libraries. Her positive attitude, incredible organization skills, and her calm demeanor are perfect for work in the Administrative Office. Thanks, Jacqueline, for all of the wonderful work that you do!
–Kathy Peters

I have been lucky with hiring good people for ILL Lending. Mary is no exception. I highly value her energy and willingness to serve our off-campus patrons. She is friendly and wonderful to work with in this sometimes very chaotic office. I would describe her as the calm “during” the storm. If it has to be done, she is always willing to do it or work with you to get it done. Here’s hoping for another 5 years of Mary on my team!
–Tammy Green

10 Years

The news is always on, and so it seems, is Dorothy Carner! Dorothy brings to the Libraries an amazing combination of energy, new ideas, high standards, and a love for libraries. Her passion for library instruction within the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) drove the creation of 57 instructional programs this year for journalism students and faculty. She never gives up on the planning for the digital asset management system needed for the RJI. She is a leader in the field of journalism librarianship, as evidenced by her frequent contributions at national meetings, fitting for our nationally-recognized programs in journalism. Dorothy always has a smile and a good word for everyone. Congratulations and thanks to Dorothy for 10 years of excellence at Mizzou!
–Deb Ward

Shannon is an excellent writer and thinker. She keeps the Libraries informed and works to create ways to help us reach out with information on our people and activities. She works very hard and does well supervising creative students. Her perspective and awareness demonstrate her value to the Libraries more with every project she does.
–Ann Campion Riley

Ruth is often the first person people see when they enter our area. She is always chipper and friendly. She is an expert at finding obscure supplies and information on the Internet and she has an incredible gift for grammar and writing. Ruth has a superhuman ability to focus totally and completely on a single task. She never balks when asked to work on special projects or do work outside her comfort zone. Ruth’s skills and personality complement those of her co-workers in Physical Processing, making for a formidable team.    
–Michaelle Dorsey

From the UM System wide ILS to our Islandora Digital Library platform, Phil tirelessly seeks improvements and efficiencies that allow us to do more with less. In addition to his technical competency, Phil has been successfully leading the UM Digital Library Working Group. His work with this group has helped organize multi-campus work on this shared system, and strike a balance between new features and reliable functionality.  Without his contributions, the UM Libraries would not have the shared infrastructure it enjoys today.
–Ernest Shaw

Recognized as a national and state leader, Ann is a true advocate, diligently championing our libraries and our dedicated librarians. She works hard to ensure that the libraries provide everything that Mizzou students, faculty, and staff need to be successful. Ann has been instrumental in fundraising for MU Libraries including a recent student initiative designed to enhance offerings and services. She has also increased partnerships with other AAU and SEC institutions. A quietly strong leader, she always strives to serve, and her devotion to Mizzou is inspiring.
–Garnett S. Stokes, Interim Chancellor and Provost

15 Years

Dan Akins is the soft-spoken, even-tempered bedrock of our U1 operations. Whether it’s consulting on space issues or training a new student worker, I always know that Dan will approach the task with the utmost care. Dan is a great colleague and an invaluable part of what makes the UMLD work day after day.
–Kevin McFillen

Anselm is a consummate archivist, conscious always of the weight of the profession’s responsibilities to history and researchers of the future. His creation of records for collections and special items will serve the scholars of tomorrow for many years to come. He adds calmness, perspective and logic to every meeting he attends and has an unwavering commitment to documenting practices and creating rules and guidelines.  
–Ann Campion Riley

20 Years

Ivy is a dedicated and loyal worker in Interlibrary Loan. She always gets the job done with efficiency and a smile. Ivy is never one to panic and always brings a sense of calm to a busy and often hectic workplace. She is also very generous as exhibited by her willingness to help with food drives, diversity celebrations, and other outreach activities. I miss her in Health Sciences Library Interlibrary Loan, but I am glad that she still provides great service for MU Libraries in Ellis Library Interlibrary Loan. Ivy, here’s to many more years!
–Caryn Scoville

Mike has been improving library service through technology for 20 years. During that time, there has been too many projects to count. His ability to stay focused on providing excellent customer service has been an invaluable asset to the libraries. Big or small he has always approached new projects with a can-do attitude that is essential for getting things done. Mike has remained dedicated and continues to gain new skills that help improve both himself and the libraries.
–Ernest Shaw

Deb is an energetic and dedicated librarian, with amazing levels of experience in all aspects of librarianship but of course primarily the health sciences. She leads with confidence and good judgment, and has created many excellent programs and hired many excellent staff in her years at MU. She works hard at creating a positive work environment, and contributes enthusiastically to staff development and diversity activities, as well as providing leadership in liaison work and specialized libraries.
–Ann Campion Riley

30 Years

Felicity Dykas has worked for the MU Libraries for 12 years and previously worked for UMKC for 18 years, for a total of 30 years with UM. We appreciate her hard work and dedication, always focused on improving access for our users. Felicity served on the original task force that resulted in the formation of our four-campus digitization committee and has been contributing to the growth of our digital services ever since. Her professional contributions extend beyond MU through committee work in several associations, including the American Library Association. Felicity regularly presents at conferences and has published in respected library journals. She is sought out by SISLT faculty as a guest lecturer and to provide support for students involved with cataloging, metadata, and digital projects. A recent note of appreciation about her committee work from the president of ALA ALCTS thanked Felicity for her “extraordinary effort, energy, creativity, and commitment.”  
–Jeannette Pierce


Staff Recognition Week, May 22-26

MU Staff Recognition Week is May 22-26. The purpose of the annual Staff Recognition Week is to acknowledge the hard work of MU staff and to allow staff an opportunity to understand the contribution of their fellow staff. The week kicks off with the Staff Recognition Award Ceremony, at which the staff with years of service anniversaries and Staff Recognition Week Award recipients are recognized. The rest of the week includes activities for staff, FREE luncheon, Human Resources Seminars, online auction benefiting the Education Award and the Arts & Crafts Showcase

And don't forget! Michaelle Dorsey will be receiving the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Award for Technical/Paraprofessional Staff on Monday, May 22 at 1:30 p.m. at Jesse Hall Auditorium. Come cheer her on!


Staff Advisory Group Meeting, 5/11/17

  1. Directors Report – Ann Campion Riley
  • Budgets have been submitted to the Provost’s Office. There may be some possible relief from cuts, especially to Collections, but details are not yet finalized.

    • Some Security staffing has been moved to Student Enhancement Fee funds, freeing up some other funds in a helpful way.
    • The Chancellors Office and Provosts Office have asked units not to release information until they have reviewed every unit’s submissions. The goal is to have one big announcement, rather than a string of smaller announcements dragging the process out over the course of weeks.
    • Some of the cuts will come from Collections, as well as some positions being kept vacant.
  • New phone plans will be more economical, with further information to come.
  • A meeting was held with the Space committee about Ellis lower level construction. The State Historical Society should move out sometime in late 2019.
  • The new furniture for the Information Commons will be installed in Late June or Early July. The Student Enhancement Fee funded it, and signage celebrating that will be placed in that area.
  • Question: Will the Bookmark Café be open over summer?

    • The Bookmark Café should be open during its regular summer hours, with limited interruption due to the Lowry Mall steam tunnel work.
  • Question: Is there an interim Provost while Dr. Stokes is Interim Chancellor?

    • Garnett Stokes will remain as Provost as well as Interim Chancellor until new announcements are made.
    • There will be no public sessions for the new Chancellor candidates.
  • Public Meeting about the FY18 Budgets will be held on Monday and Tuesday 5/15-16. They will be both open to the public, and livestreaming. An email was sent by the university about the sessions.
  • Voting for MULSA officers will begin soon. Please consider running, and please vote.
  • Celebration of Service Luncheon will be Thursday 5/18 from 11:30-1:00. Please attend.
  • Question: Did anything come from the budget suggestions submitted by staff?

    • Several suggestions about budgeting were made and passed on to other parts of the University. Cooperation across all four campuses on shared and shareable projects was a notable suggestion made. Cross training within the Libraries was also suggested, and will be considered.
  • An evaluation survey for Interim Director Anne Campion Riley is currently open until 5/12. Please complete it if you are able.
  1. New Business

    • Phone transfer – Kathy Peters and Ernest Shaw
  • New phone cut0over to occur on 7/25.
  • This has been a long running project, including an audit of all almost 200 lines coming into Ellis, as well as assessments of service needs. Thanks to all staff for allowing their space to be invaded for that process.
  • Call types (long-distance, international, etc.) will be tied to the physical phone, so there will no longer be a need for Watts codes for calling. Voice mail will be sent directly to a user’s email. New speed dial options will be available. Conference calling of up to 8 numbers will be available. All units will be new, and capable of speaker phone access. Caller ID with names will be available, and correct.
  • Trainings will be available, with details to be sent out closer to the cutover date.
  • There will be a service disruption on the cutover date, but this will be minimized as much as possible. Details will be distributed closer to the cutover date.

    • Open Positions – Sheryl Cullina
  • Two positions at HSL Circulation: 1 open through 5/24. The other will be filled by part-time positions.
  • Business Support Specialist II in ACTS: working on references for candidates now.
  • Head of Instructional Services: Interviews have been completed.
  • Associate Director for SCARaB: Accepting applications through 6/10. The Search Committee will be chaired by Corrie Hutchinson, and include Michaelle Dorsey, Kelli Hansen, Anselm Huelsbergen, Tim Perry, Sandy Schiefer, and Anne Barker.
  • Engineering Librarian: Accepting applications through5/15. The Search Committee will be chaired by Deb Ward, and include Kate Anderson, Michelle Baggett, Gwen Gray, and Karl Hammond of the College of Engineering.
  1. Results of the SAG Survey – Noah Hartsfield
  • There were 58 responses; many were from people who had attended meetings.
  • Overall, they were positive, and constructive.
  • Most notable result: No respondent who had attended a meeting said that the meetings should be discontinued.
  • Some common themes:

    • The Director’s Report section was popular; Face to face time with Ann was seen as a positive.
    • The time commitment was significant, efforts to keep the meetings to only 1 hour are prompting changes to the structure of the meetings.
    • Non-Library guest speakers were incredibly divisive, almost 50/50 on if they should be continued.
  • Changes to the SAG meetings:

    • On a monthly basis, meetings will continue to include a Director’s Report, pre-submitted issues (like this month’s updates on the phones), and a Q&A section.
    • Guest speakers are being kept, but are being reduced in frequency to about once a quarter. Guest speakers will rotate with Division Head Reports, and an inside-the-Libraries guest speaker, who will discuss how various parts of the Libraries function, and projects some parts are working on.
  1. Upcoming Events

    • Sheryl Cullina:

      • Call for Committees will be going out shortly, please consider nominations, and running.
      • MyPerformance assessments are due by mid-June. Please complete you sections, and supervisors, please complete the assessments of those you supervise.
      • Celebration of Service luncheon is Thursday 5/18 from 11:30 to 1:00. Please attend.
    • Kathy Peters:

      • Lowry Mall steam tunnel repairs are scheduled to begin in late May. The Lowry Mall should remain passable, and the north door to Ellis and the State historical Society door should remain accessible throughout the project.
      • Some refrigerators will be placed in the hallway of the ground floor. These will be locked, and are part of the equipment for the Bookmark Café. They will be moved to allow the steam tunnel to be partially rerouted through Ellis, and replaced at the completion of the project.
    • Deb Ward:

      • The construction around the School of Medicine is nearing completion.
      • The Health Sciences Library would like to host an open house to show off the new area and new furniture, date TBD, likely in July.

Healthy for Life Update

Let’s Talk Total Rewards Blog
The Let’s Talk Total Rewards blog is a place where the university community can learn about myTotal Rewards. Sign up to receive updates by mail or browse the blog for articles about Benefits, Compensation, Retirement, Talent Management, and Wellness.

Learn to keep your skin safe before you head into the summer sunshine (Posted: May 15, 2017)

During May, the national month for Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection, learn tips for staying safe in the sun.

Stay Connected with Healthy for Life
A healthy, positive lifestyle requires openness, awareness, and consistent effort. Healthy for Life is committed to ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to learn about and engage in activities that support your wellbeing. Click here to sign up for e-mails regarding Healthy for Life programs.

MU Staff Recognition Week May 22 – May 26
The purpose of the annual Staff Recognition Week is to acknowledge the hard work of MU staff and to allow staff an opportunity to understand the contribution of their fellow staff. The week kicks off with the Staff Recognition Award Ceremony, at which the staff with years of service anniversaries and Staff Recognition Week Award recipients are recognized. The rest of the week includes activities for staff, FREE luncheon, Human Resources Seminars, online auction benefiting the Education Award and the Arts & Crafts Showcase.

Staff Recognition Week Seminars

Arts and Crafts Showcase

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for attending Staff Recognition Week presentations. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu with questions.

Free Webinar from Weight Watchers

Cutting Time in the Kitchen with Chef Ryan

Does lack of time get in the way of your health goals and cooking at home? This workshop begins with an easy knife skills course, the foundation for more delicious and efficient cooking. This lesson is reinforced by a simple cooking concept that saves both time and money, while boosting your confidence. 

When: Tuesday, June6, 2017
Time: 11:00 am
Registration: Online, Open to non-members
Cost: Free
Where: If registered, you will be able to access the workshop on-demand

Free Webinar from United Healthcare

Power Up: A Guy’s Guide to Good Nutrition
Are you trying to stay fit? Lose weight? Improve your health? Whatever your goal, your diet can help give you the edge. This seminar focuses on men’s unique nutrition needs. You will discover strategies to help boost energy, promote health and avoid chronic diseases. Issues such as supplements, alcohol use, belly fat, fertility, muscle growth and athletic performance will be tackled.

When: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Time: 11:30 am
Registration: Online, Open to non-members
Cost: Free
Where: Online

Want to learn more? Check out the previously recorded seminars that you can watch anytime at uhc.com/seminars.