Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 2/25/16

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT would like to investigate two potential projects that involve collaboration with Wikipedia.   

  • One, recently discussed at GWLA, involves having designated “wikipedians” on campuses dedicated to updating and keeping accurate and up-to-date entries on local topics (University, city, areas, etc.). This project often works with Graduate students of Library Schools.  On our campus, there may be an opportunity for the Libraries to coordination.
  • Another project involved WikiEdu, a nonprofit organization trying to creating partnerships between Libraries and Wikipedia.  This project involves letting Wikipedia editors use Library databases in order to research and make entries better.  How this might exactly work and if it is possible and/or desirable is still being explored.   

The Provost and University Relations will be consulted and informed as the Libraries consider both of these exciting endeavors.

INFORMATION ITEM: the Award for Academic Distinction Ceremony will be held  Sunday, April 24th, 4:00-5:00 p.m. in 201 Ellis Library.  This organization sought us out two years ago and wanted to specifically have their event take place in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room. 

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT will make sure a representative from the Libraries will be present at the University of Missouri Undergraduate Honors Convocation that occurs Saturday, May 14th, 8 a.m.  The invitation requested a Director or Associate Director attend in full regalia to help lead the procession. 

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT resolved to take part in the Library Diversity Alliance that is being created between Academic Libraries.  The goal of the effort is to offer fellowships to newly graduated Librarians of underrepresented groups.  Libraries are urged to ask for supplemental funding from their home campuses and local organizations. The Library will take part in the Alliance will plan to request funding from various MU diversity initiatives.  

INFORMATION ITEM:  Library Committee and Faculty Journal Communication.  The Chair of the Library Committee, Rabia Gregory, sent a letter to faculty about the journal review process. The Libraries’ Collections Steering Committee (CSC), is working on a follow-up message from the Library to help clarify. The Libraries will need to review our current subscriptions and have faculty input by time we go into renewal negotiations this summer.  The uncertain budget situation and the vendors’ practice of “bundling” our subscriptions complicate the process.  We do not know how many titles we have to cut nor do we know how decisions about each title will affect our cost until we get into negotiations.

Healthy for Life Update

Caught in the Act: Week 6
In the final week of Caught in the Act, 106 nominations were receive! Thank you to everyone who participated in the program. I will share the results of the program in the next few weeks so be on the lookout for that.

The raffle winners from week 6 are as follows:

  • MU Campus: Susie Facklam nominated by April Mason
  • MU Healthcare: Pam Holliday nominated by Jane Skeene
  • UM System: David Silvey nominated by Willie Jones
  • Extension: Becky Fuchs nominated by Teresa DeFord Petefish

Winners of the weekly raffle will receive a Yoga ball which can be used as a piece of ergonomic equipment in the workplace

There are many employees out there practicing random acts of wellness so let us know who they are.

Healthy for Life would like to extend a thank you to those Wellness Ambassadors who are promoting Caught in the Act and for your participation in the program. 

Online Wellness Workshops & myLearn
Find a variety of books and courses in myLearn that you can complete to earn Wellness Incentive points. Topics include healthy eating, workplace safety, relaxation and employee recognition. Look for ‘custom’ courses to find Healthy for Life developed content such as NEW!Ergonomic Wellness, Flexible Work Arrangements Training Modules for Employees and Managers. With so many options to choose from, find a course that interests you and earn incentive points at the same time.

  1. To access eligible Wellness Incentive 2016 items in MyLearn:
  2. From myHR, log into myLearn which is located in the training folder
  3. Select ‘Browse the Library’ and your campus
  4. In the left column select ‘Wellness Incentive 2016’
  5. You may now browse by Culture of Health priority area a variety of books and courses you can complete for incentive points

    1. Wellness Incentive 2016 Learning Resources’ details the point value of each activity

Wellness Incentive points awarded upon successful completion of course/book. Points are awarded by the 15th of the month following the month the course was completed. Contact for questions.

Culture of Health priority area: Work Healthy
Each Culture of Health priority area is featured on the Wellness Website along with many programs, discounts and resources associated with each. From the home page you may select any of the priority areas to find out more. This week we are exploring ‘Work healthy’ which encourages ergonomics and technology to let us move, be healthy and do our jobs better.

What you'll find on the website:

  • Easy action steps– These are simple action steps you can take to maintain and increase your healthy habits at your workplace
  • Activity and break apps- Find apps for your mobile device or computer to help you take breaks and move more during the day.
  • Discounts and resources- Locate discounts and resources in your community to help you work healthy.

Want to learn how to set up an ergonomic friendly workspace? Find the Ergonomic Wellness Video in myLearn and earn incentive points too. (Directions to find the video listed above.)

Ready to explore Work Healthy? Click here!

Notes from the Director, 2/22/16

Hello everyone,

I'm writing today to let you all know there will soon be an article in the Columbia Tribune on our library materials budget problems for FY 2017 that starts in July.  The Provost knows about it, and we are starting to work with faculty on possible journal cuts.

This shouldn't be news to any of you, but I hate for people to be surprised by what's in the paper.

Otherwise, everything seems pretty normal for this point in the semester. If you like trivia contests, don't miss the Black History one on Monday evening the 29th in 114a.

LMT is still working on getting some improvements to 114 and 202, and you probably read in NewsNotes that we are pricing a renovation of the first floor men's room.

All for now– have a great week!


Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 2/9/16

INFORMATION ITEM:  Associate CIO of MU Beth Chancellor joined LMT to discuss the IT Transition Plan. The goals and principles can be found at: DoIT hopes to create a hybrid model between central and decentralized structure. The departments will still hire and set priorities for IT staff. Central IT will be integrated to help balance the IT side of managing. There was much discussion where the Libraries stressed the uniqueness of Library IT needs. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee submitted a list of projects and priorities to LMT for review. The list will eventually be sent to Campus Facilities. The Vice Chancellor of Operations agreed to invest in $100K worth of Library improvements. ELSFAC will modify the list taking into account LMT’s guidance and suggestions. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Library will submit a funding request to the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee to increase and improve the seating in the Bookmark Café.

Upcoming Black History Month Events

Black Life, Hip Hop, Activism

7:00 p.m. | Leadership Auditorium, MU Student Center
Performance & Conversation with Hip Hop Artist/ Activist Jasiri X.
Sponsored by: MU Black History Month Committee, MU College of A&S, School of Journalism

Sunday’s Best

3:00 p.m. | Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union
Join the GOBCC and the LBC Gospel Choir for a time of fellowship. Sunday’s Best gives Mizzou students the opportunity to express themselves through gospel music and performances by LBC Gospel Choir & His Life Dance Ministry.
Sponsored by: Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center & the Legion of Black Collegians Gospel Choir

Film: Proscenium

5:30 p.m. | Ragtag Cinema
Screening and Discussion with Director Allison Harrison
Proscenium is a short fi lm, set at the historic Ward Theatre, one of Jamaica’s iconic cultural landmarks, long abandoned in downtown Kingston.
Sponsored by: MU Black History Month Committee and Ragtag Cinema

Meklit Hadero: Music and Art

8:00 p.m. | Corner Playhouse
San-Francisco based, Ethiopian-American artist Meklit Hadero will lead her band in a musical performance that highlights the art installation “Braiding As Sculpture”.
Sponsored by: MU Black History Month Committee

Lecture: Hip-Hop, Race, and American Culture

6:15 p.m. | Room 12, Middlebush Hall
A presentation by Dr. Jeff rey O. G. Ogbar, Professor of American Studies and History, and the founding Director of the Center for the Study of Popular Music at the
University of Connecticut.
Sponsored by: MU Honors College and MU Black History Month Committee

Lecture: Racism, Reparation, and Reconciliation

6:00 p.m. | Room 204, Neff Hall
Presented by historian Dr. Verene Shepherd, United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Sponsored by: MU Black History Month Committee, Kinder Institute, Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative

Healthy for Life Update

Caught in the Act: Week 4
In week 4 of Caught in the Act, there were a total of 70 employees acknowledged for practicing Random Acts of Wellness. This is down slightly from last week but still an impressive number!  Keep those submission rolling in and get caught in on the act!

Here is a sampling of activities from week 4:

  • A manager taking the time to get to know staff and making sure they are supported
  • Parking on a high level in a garage and taking the stairs
  • Participating in a 5 minute chair yoga & breathing routine
  • Hosting a salad party instead of cake for an office birthday

The raffle winners from week 4 are as follows:

  • MU Campus: Andrea Kimura nominated by Margaret Jasinski
  • MU Healthcare: Samantha Galati nominated by Jamie Gale
  • UM System: No Nominations!
  • Extension: Karin Burgess nominated by Janice Perkins

Winners of the weekly raffle will receive a Yoga ball which can be used as a piece of ergonomic equipment in the workplace

There are many employees out there practicing random acts of wellness so let us know who they are.

Looking for more info?

Healthy for Life would like to extend a thank you to those Wellness Ambassadors who are promoting Caught in the Act and for your participation in the program. 

Culture of Health priority area: Empower and appreciate
Each Culture of Health priority area is featured on the Wellness Website along with many programs, discounts and resources associated with each. From the home page you may select any of the priority areas to find out more. This week we are exploring ‘Empower and appreciate’ which supports empowerment and appreciation by colleagues, yourself and the organization.

What you'll find on the website:

  • Easy action steps– These are simple action steps you can take empower yourself and appreciate others.
  • Empower yourself- Find tools for advancing your financial, educational and overall well-being.
  • Appreciate others- Find simple resources and ways to nominate someone for a staff award.

Going on now, Caught in the Act is a simple appreciation program designed to recognize employees for demonstrating random acts of wellness. Acts of wellness can be anything from taking the stairs, hosting a healthy potluck to mentoring a co-worker.  Want to find out more?

Ready to explore Empower and appreciate? Click here!

Looking for a Wellness Ambassador?
The Ambassador directory has recently been updated with many new ambassadors from across the University. Part of the Wellness Ambassador Portal, the directory now includes home department, parent department and address. Each campus, system and extension now have separate listings to make finding an ambassador easier than ever.

>>>Click Here to Find an Ambassador

Interested in becoming a Wellness Ambassador? Find out more information on the Ambassador portal and sign up today! Having more than one ambassador in a department is encouraged. All you need is desire to help promote a culture of health among faculty and staff!

Questions or need to update your information? Please contact Jen Oetting at

MU Extension Offers Incentive Eligible Classes
University of Missouri Extension will add to the menu of classes that earn you points toward your Wellness Incentive starting in January. Classes scheduled on campus include Taking Care of You, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Stay Strong Stay Healthy and Youth Mental Health First Aid. See the attached flyer for class descriptions.

Registration: Required. Visit to complete your registration.


Wellness Incentive points awarded upon successful completion of course. Points are awarded by the 15th of the month following the month the course was completed. Contact for questions.