Notes from the Director, 7/20/16

Hello everyone,

Despite the hot weather and vacations, all of us are carrying on this summer, getting ready for the fall semester to begin as we finish up the current session next week.  It does seem to me like Columbia is getting emptier by the day now,  but of course we know it will soon start filling up again.

LMT has been meeting and making some progress on decisions related to our budget situation.  Most of you know that Ellis Library will be closing most days at midnight starting in the fall semester.   I know students will not be happy, but we have to cut back.  Ellis will also be imposing a food and drink policy again, banning open containers and all but dry snack food throughout the building.  Details will be shared more widely soon, along with copies of the new policy. Thanks to all who worked on it.

Thanks also to all who worked on moving materials out of Ellis 304 due to humidity issues. Alla, Tim, Kelly, Suzy, Dan and others all get kudos for their quick work.

Committees also change over the summer, and Sheryl is working on finishing volunteer and other committee assignments.  These should be finalized by the first week of August. One committee undergoing change is the CSC, Collection Steering Committee.  Deb Ward and Mike Holland are coming on the committee, and Anne Barker and Dianne Johnson are going off.  The current Library Assembly structure has been under discussion and may well be going away, with possibly another communication and advisory group in its place.  Watch for your chance to have input on the options in the next few weeks.  The library administration established the group some years ago now, and most people wanted to end it last year. The communications audit indicated it be abolished then, too. Last July  I asked the elected leaders to try for one more year, but I will not do that again.

Our handyman Al is also leaving the Libraries next week.  LMT will be discussing how to handle the work he did. I hear the temporary reference librarian search is ongoing, and the search for the new library business officer closes Aug. 8.  Ellen Blair’s last day is July 27.

The MERLIN Libraries now have a task force on issues related to moving to being a stand-alone customer for our ILS.  Ernest and Corrie are on from MU.  No word yet from MOBIUS on what their plans are but we continue to stay in touch with them on it.  Once again, we do not anticipate this being a significant change for most functions as we will still be on Sierra.

In more cheerful news, Campus Facilities will be putting a new white ceiling, new paint on the walls, and new window blinds in Ellis 114, along with new paint and new blinds in Ellis 202.  We are not sure of the timing of the work yet but will of course avoid busy study times.  The Bookmark Café will be getting new, replaced chairs and additional outlets probably over Thanksgiving Break, funded from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee.

I hope you all have your calendars marked for 2 pm on Thursday August 18 for the all staff meeting in Ellis Auditorium.  We will have several guest speakers, a budget report, and discussion of the revised mission, goals and objectives.  I’ve asked the division heads to submit objectives developed with discussions by the week before.  I hope all of you will participate in the objective formation.  Thanks to all who came to the open forums!  Don’t forget to email me if you have additional comments.
