MU Libraries’ Discovery Tool Changes

Since 2009, the MU Libraries’ have provided access to Summon (the default Search & Find box on the gateway).

With the subscription to Summon ending in the early fall, LMT appointed a small group to review current discovery tools, gather information and make a recommendation.

Our review process consisted of:

  • A survey of libraries’ staff to gather feedback on experiences with Summon, features of importance in a discovery tool and the libraries’ need for a discovery tool;
  • Product demonstrations open to all libraries’ staff for Ebsco Discovery Service, Ex Libris Primo and III Encore;
  • A publicly posted trial of the Ebsco Discovery Service;
  • Usability testing with faculty and students conducted by the Web Usability Committee to gauge the usability and ease of navigation of Summon, Ebsco Discovery Service and Google Scholar

Based on the information gathered, we recommended to LMT that the MU Libraries not renew the Summon subscription and move forward with the Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS).  EDS utilizes the Ebsco platform, which is very familiar to many students (given the MORENet Ebsco subscriptions provided to Missouri public schools), it is more intuitive than others and allows integration of our LibGuides and E-Reserves within the search results.  In addition, there is a significant cost savings in moving to Ebsco.

LMT accepted our recommendation and we are moving forward with the implementation of EDS.  We are targeting a go live date of the first week of August.

We will keep you updated on the process.

Our thanks to all who assisted us in this process – by providing feedback to the surveys/product demonstrations and conducting usability testing!

If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda (


Corrie Hutchinson
Judy Maseles
Kimberly Moeller
Jeannette Pierce
Rhonda Whithaus