The Student Fee Working Group looked at several draft design elements provided by the student designers. One design element with some suggested tweaks was preferred. Matt Gaunt will take the suggestions back to the designers.
Students are also working on Student Fee website. They suggested making FAQs more positive. Will have a complete redesign of by mid-September.
Students are working on a handout that will include an infographic and the URL.
Matt is meeting with student security staff on Sunday morning to talk about the fee. He also continuing to meet with student organizations.
Staff forums have been scheduled. Still working on scheduling other open forums.
We are still waiting on final subcommittee assignments from LMT.
Matt will have Sheila Voss schedule a meeting between the Student Fee Survey Subcommittee and the Space Planning Committee, so they can discuss the possibility of using 114 as a room to showcase ideas for renovation of the library and a place for students to give input.
The group discussed several options for how students could give input on how the money is spent if the student fee is passed.
Matt will have Sheila Voss to schedule a meeting between the Pride and the Social Media Team to discuss the best ways to use social media to promote the student fee.