INFORMATION ITEM: Policy on sensitive material – The Library policy on sensitive material is potentially in conflict with the new campus Title IX Policy. LMT has requested guidance from University Title IX office. Discussion will be put off until we hear from them.
INFORMATION ITEM: Employees of MU Libraries have been invited to meetings with the Higher Learning Commission as MU seeks to renew accreditation this year.
ACTION ITEM: MU Libraries will commit money to fully fund the HSL Interlibrary Loan position that has historically been paid through Health Sciences ILL fees. This is necessary to keep the position fulltime since fee revenues have declined after changing the policy on ILL charges. This position continues to support MU Libraries well beyond performing the tasks that generate fees.
ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to fill the vacancy in the Veterinary Medicine Library. This position keeps the Vet Med Library open late. If the position was lost, that library would have to cut services and hours.
INFORMATION ITEM: Jeannette Pierce and Anne Barker represented MU Libraries at an SEC Collaboration Award Workshop hosted by Texas A&M. The workshop focused on Open Access. The workshop also invited students. From MU, Hallie Thompson and Benjamin Vega also attended. Since the meeting, Jim and Jeannette met with former GPC president Kristofferson Culmer and other student leaders who were interested in talking about Open Access. There may be opportunities to collaborate with students in the near future to promote and discuss:
- Open Access (OE)
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- MOSpace as MU’s Institutional Repository
- Scholarly Communication in General
INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries met with the Student Leadership again last Friday to discuss the Student Fee. There was considerable discussion about whether the vote on the student fee should be in the Spring Semester or the Fall 2015 Semester. The Libraries and the Chancellor’s office has agreed it is up to the students.