INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed what will likely be lean budget years ahead. The Library is running a significant deficit ending Fiscal Year 2014 (ending June 30). Jim expects to have to cover this internally. LMT is considering these actions/principals as they approach the future budgets: – No part of the budget can be held harmless or considered off limits. – All Library positions will have to be held open for a certain amount of time before filling them can be considered. (Some positions will have to not be filled.) – The Library should defer costs whenever possible. Discussion ensued about further possible reductions in budgets, acknowledging that all cuts hurt at this point (due to prior cuts and/or reductions).
ACTION ITEMS: Centennial Banner designs. Jim asks LMT (division heads) to work with respective divisions to request/recommend color preferences (possibly more than one) for each specialty Library banner. Side note: The banners and all centennial celebration activities will be covered by unrestricted development funds.
ACTION ITEM: Reporting out about the June 2014 LMT retreat: LMT discussed the various ways it would like to report out and gain feedback from MU Libraries employees. Jim is scheduled to meet with MULAC on Wednesday, July 16 at 9 a.m. He wants to report out at least the agenda and process of what LMT covered in their retreat and how LMT hopes/expects to answer MULAC’s requests.
TO DO: Jim and Mark Ellis to discuss creating a Qualtrics survey to send out to Library staff asking feedback on part of the LMT retreat discussion.
INFORMATION ITEM: LMT began discussion of the revised Digitization Advisory Committee charge and guidelines as submitted for review by chair Anselm Huelsbergen. LMT will discuss further when Ann Riley can be present (or dialed in) because the Digital Services Unit (which the committee is charged to advise) is in her division.