Attending: Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Deb Ward, Mike Holland, Ann Riley. Support: Mark Ellis
Information Item: The key note speaker at the Dean’s Retreat will be Hank Foley to speak about strategic planning. A noted anticipated discussion topic for Deans will be productivity measurement for faculty. A related topic for LMT will be to explore how MU Libraries can be more closely tied to the Mission of University. (i.e. How to: improve collections and services, improve staffing and facilities and enhance promotion/communications about MU Libraries to MU campus community.)
INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries was awarded an ORCID Grant. Thanks to Ann Riley for pursuing this. The grant will involve MDPC (Missouri Digital Projects Committee). And from MU Libraries it will involve: Ann Riley, Felicity Dykas, Amy Lana and Hardy Pottinger.
INFORMATION ITEM: Library Committee – Today was the first meeting of the faculty Library Committee. Chris Montgomery was on hand to discuss the Library Centennial Celebration (which is being planned for academic year 2015/2016).
Other business:
- Jim informed the committee of the repairs scheduled to take place over the winter break (in the West 1935 addition area).
- Jim mentioned the Renew Mizzou impact to the Library.
- The committee reviewed the MU Libraries expenditure report.
INFORMATION ITEM: Faculty Assessment/accomplishment System – Ann Riley met with this group recently. The Thompson Reuters product is (unfortunately) not going to be the final selection. The product “Data 180” is favored by some (a much smaller company). Web of Knowledge access is needed with any of them. Ann will keep LMT informed.
INFORMATION ITEM: Assessment Committee Update – Jeannette Pierce and the Assessment Committee identified these questions/issues:
- Membership of the permanent Assessment Committee.
Who is the MU Libraries peer group of similar institutions? And on what should we base the comparison?
- Similar schools (Med School, Law School, etc.) housed on campus?
- Student body size?
- Other factors?
- Measures to use on years that MU Libraries does not administer LibQUAL-Lite.