- Call for Posters: Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II
Dates: November 18-20, 2013
Location: Biblioteca de Catalunya (Barcelona) Conference Website: http://educopia.org/events/ANADPII - Announcing the first AMIA/DLF Hack Day!
Register here. - Join the NDSA infrastructure for a presentation/discussion about Bitcurator.
As part of an ongoing series of discussions with individuals behind open source projects Call Lee of UNC will brief us on ongoing work on Bitcurator “an effort to build, test, and analyze systems and software for incorporating digital forensics methods into the workflows of a variety of collecting institutions.” http://www.bitcurator.net/
Feel free to invite colleagues at your NDSA organization to join.
Call information:
September 17th, 2:00 PM Eastern
Call-in number: 866-469-3239
Participant access code: 21408589