Free Answers to your Nutrition Questions
MU Extension is now offering FREE nutrition information through the Show Me Nutrition Line. Contact Jessica Kovarik, R.D., L.D. at 1-888-515-0016 or for free nutrition information and education. Jessica is also available for individual nutrition consultations.
Are you interested in having a farmers’ market on campus?
MU Extension and Healthy for Life would like to start a weekly farmers’ market on campus. Let us know what you think! Imagine having fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables available a short walk from your office all season long! Complete our quick online survey and let us know if you are interested and what time would work best for you. By completing the survey you can enter to win a wellness package from Healthy for Life! Click here to complete the survey. Please submit your response by Friday, March 13. For questions, please contact Annette Triplett at 882-2428.
2nd Annual Women’s Health and Wellness Fair
Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 5th from 11am-1:30pm. This free event will have information from more than 20 campus and community organizations. The event is disability accessible and will be located at Stotler Lounge inside Memorial Union. This event is sponsored by the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative and hosted by the MU Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women.
Take Control of Arthritis
Join the Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program for a life improvement series. Developed especially for people with arthritis, this class will help participants understand arthritis and provide ways to take control of it. This class is every Thursday, March 26-April 30 from 2:00-4:00pm. Classes are located in the Green Meadows Family Medicine Classroom. Space is limited so call 882-9097 today. Please visit for more information.
Visit the Healthy for Life website
Have you been to our website yet? If not, check it out at If so, keep going back to see what’s going on in the wellness world. There are employee success stories, events, class schedules, program information, links and access to take the online health risk assessment.