Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 6/18/13

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 6/18/13
Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland Guests: Space Planning representatives Joey Riley and Bonnie Hansen. Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM Renew Mizzou and the impact on MU Libraries. Highlights of the discussion:

Renew Mizzou will use rooms 202 (West Reading Room) and 114 (Current Periodicals Reading Room) areas.

  • At this time, they do not know the exact departments moving in. (Most likely to include part of Financial Aid and Cashiers office.)
    –To minimize moving and storage issues they are trying to leave as much furniture in Jesse Hall as possible.  (They will use big tables in 202 rather than move them.)
    –No other security concerns have yet been identified.
  • Rough timeline – planners are still meeting with departments in Jesse to find out needs.
  • Construction at Mizzou North will begin June of 2014.
  • Some moving from Jesse will begin March of 2014.
    –Not clear/definite who will move when.
    –Not clear/definite when temporary construction will begin in Ellis or when departments will move in.


  • Meetings  – Space planners will meet with LMT and Library Department Heads as soon as more information is known.
  • Heiddi Davis will attend the Library All Staff Meeting on August 14th.
  • Brochure – Space Planning is working on a brochure to help inform staff of the details of all the moves (complete with timelines). They will distribute as soon as the information is available.

Library Feedback:

  • LMT expressed concern and informed Space Planning of the high-traffic time-periods. (Mid-March to early-May each spring & late October to mid-December each Fall.)
  • Room 114 will be much more flexible to connect electrical and computer equipment. It was recently upgraded for the temporary move of Library departments in response to the fire of Sept 2011.
    –Room 202, on the other hand, has very little infrastructure for such adaptations and may be hard to upgrade due to age and dimensions.
  • LMT expressed concern about increased use of facilities (bathrooms, break rooms, coffee shop, etc.)
    –Women’s restroom was recently renovated. It was already a heavily used facility.
  • Major concern was expressed about taking prime study space off-line – especially in the high traffic times of the semester.
    –The rooms in question are both high traffic areas and the reduction in study space will be noticed.
    –Will there be replacement study space developed on campus?
  • Other considerations:
    –The Library is open long after the Jesse personnel leave for the day.
    –Room 114 does not have doors.
    –West entrance is only ADA accessible entrance. Requires use of South Elevator from ground to first floor.
  • The Staff Lounge is maintained by the MU Libraries Staff Association (MULSA funds purchase the furniture, appliances and supplies.  MULSA volunteers clean the room daily.)
    –Will there be a need to share break space?
    –If so, MULSA has requested through the Library Management Team that they be informed as soon as possible to make arrangements.
    –Space Planning assures the Library they will let them know as soon as possible.

Library needs/requests as the planning goes forward:

  • LMT will share long term plans for 202 and 114 with Space Planning – Since MU Libraries was considering repurposing the two spaces being currently utilized by Renew Mizzou, the Library would like to coordinate any building or adaptation made for the temporary move to coincide with the plan to repurpose the space after the temporary relocation is over.
    –So far, long term plans have only been vague.  MU Libraries will try to finalize and share in the near future.
  • Specific elements of design for which the Libraries and Space Planning may want to collaborate:
    –Presentation space – Financial Aid will need space for 50 participants.
    –MU Libraries would also like presentation space in the redesign.
  • Possible offices or group studies in the North Side of the west reading room
    –Space Planning should coordinate any new or temporary structures with Cyndi Curnutte, the interior designer at Campus Facilities who has worked on most of the recent renovations in Ellis Library.
  • Possible help with funding or remodeling due to the Renew Mizzou –
    –The movement of materials currently in 202 will take time and money to store and relocate.
    –It may be cheaper to replace digitally. Is there Renew Mizzou money allowed for that?
    –West stair-well’s paint is worn and dated (pink paint on cast iron).
    –It will now be showcased due to parents/students visiting guest departments – can it be painted black?
    –Can Space Planning refresh or redesign the Men’s restroom on the first floor?

Joey and Bonnie appreciate feedback and requests. They will take info back to Space Planning to be considered.  They look forward to working together to make the Renew Mizzou transitions go as smooth as possible.

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