Information/Action Items from LMT Meeting, 6/19/12

Attending Members: Mike Holland, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guest: Ellen Blair. Support: Mark Ellis.

INFORMATION ITEM: Fiscal Officer Ellen Blair and LMT reviewed Library Budget Worksheets.  Discussion ensued about open positions and how they will be funded.  LMT will seek to fill recently opened positions as they currently exist (as written in their respective job descriptions). Ellen and LMT will continue to analyze and discuss how new positions may be funded and the impact on older/long-term vacancies.  They will also look into how “salary savings” (one-time funds generated by staff openings) are spent. A report will be made at the all-staff meeting in August.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed various open positions within MU Libraries and the status of searches planned and underway.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT Retreat and All Staff Meeting – LMT members will soon initiate discussions within each division regarding the MU Libraries Goals and Objectives.  Division Heads will seek updates, progress reports and general feedback of progress toward Objectives.  Outcomes will be an agenda item at this summer’s all staff meeting.  The all staff meeting is tentatively set for 8/7/12.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Jeff  Trzeciak, the New Director of Libraries for Washington University in St. Louis, visited MU Libraries on Thursday, June 21st.  Jim and available members of LMT hosted.

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