Libraries Appointed Committees – Reminder

A reminder that self-nominations are due by Friday, May 25, for membership on several library committees.


All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection. Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s).

Name:______________________________________    Phone:________________    E-mail:__________________________

Place a 1 next to your first choice and a 2 next to your second choice (if you have one). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Friday, May 25, 2011, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.

_____    Diversity Action Committee
_____    Exhibits Committee
_____    Faculty Lecture Series Committee
_____    Preservation Committee
_____    Research Paper Contest Committee
_____    Staff Development Committee
Check one if you indicated multiple committee choices:

____    I am available to serve on one committee only

____    I am available to serve on multiple committees

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