Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, April 24

Attending- Members: Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Karen Witt, PT Martin, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Mary Hainen, Stephen Clayton, Dana Houston, Libby Myer, Anne Barker, Stephen Stanton. Ex officio: Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guest: Nathan Marticke

  • MU Libraries Director of Development Nathan Marticke –introduced himself to the Assembly.
    • Nathan started at MU Libraries on March 5, 2012.
    • Most recently was Regional Director of Development at William Jewell College, Liberty, MO.
    • He was born and raised in Missouri.
    • Worked at University of Central Florida.
    • Has been a fundraising for higher education since he graduated college.
    • Undergraduate degree from Northwest Missouri State University (in Maryville) in Marketing.
    • Graduate degree from Park University (Parkville, MO) in Communication and Leadership.
    • Looks forward to the new campaign and working with everyone.
    • Nathan finds “making connections” the most rewarding aspect of fundraising.
    • His first impression of MU Libraries is that it is filled with highly dedicated individuals.
      • He was struck by the number of employees who have been here for many years.
        • That speaks very highly of the Libraries.
  • Director Announcements – Jim Cogswell:
  • Mizzou Center in Blue Springs, MO.
    • An “outpost” in the KC area.
      • Will soon be breaking ground for a new 30,000 ft. building.
      • There will be a library/information center.
        • MU Libraries were invited to partner with Mid-Continent Public Library to create/share a library presence.
    • UMKC chose not to take part.
      • They see this as a Mizzou centered outpost.
        • Different from UMKC mission/degree specialty.
      • Many institutions have similar centers in Kansas City already.
        • And around the state in Metro areas/centers.
          • Including MU – and more are likely.
  • Council of Deans/Provost Staff retreat planned for August, 2012.
    • The two groups will hold a joint retreat this year to look at MU Progress in relation to its strategic plan.
  • New Mizzou capital campaign to begin soon.
    • There is a new Vice Chancellor For Development and Alumni Relations –  Thomas Hiles.
  • MU Library Society Dinner took place April 13th – guest speaker Nick Basbanes.
    • Well received – he is an authority on books/book collecting.
  • Friends of the Library Luncheon was held, April 14th.
    • Speaker: Gary Ellis – expert in Missouri music since the Civil war.
    • Friends of the Libraries Presented awards to Stuckey Essay contest winners.
    • They also presented awards for the second annual undergraduate research essay contest.
  • The Libraries will seek to fill the Library Human Resources Coordinator position.
    • Some consideration will be given to the role of this position at the Libraries.
    • Employees can turn to Sheena Waggoner for HR matters after Leo leaves and until the position is filled.
  • MU Libraries has co-sponsored a visit from poet Toi Derricotte this week in honor of National Poetry Month.
    • Ms. Derricotte visited the classes of Dr. Cornelius Eady, MU English Department, yesterday, April 23rd.
    • Today, April 24th, she performed a reading in Ellis Library and will take part in events this evening at the Berlin Theatre (Café Berlin – on Orr St.).
    • Other sponsors included:
      • The MU Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor’s Program.
      • Cave Canem.
      • MU Theater Department.
  • MU Libraries will be receiving Chinese Language and Culture Books as a gift from the Confucius Institute at the end of May, 2012.
  • Staff Representative Committee – PT Martin.
    • SRC was active in the past but has drifted for a while.
    • As the most recently elected chair, PT would like to revive the committee and help identify a new role.
      • Original SRC was linked to Library Council.
      • Somewhat recently established Library Assembly takes on the communication role that, at one time, was assigned to SRC.
      • Miscellaneous feedback indicates that there may still be a role for SRC at MU Libraries (ombudsman role, welcoming new employees, etc.).
      • Survey should give a better indicator.
  • Elaine Huntsucker of the Cataloging department has helped put together a survey for MU Libraries employees.
    • Gets a sense of employees’ perception of SRC.
    • What they would like to see SRC’s role become.
    • Survey should go out this week.
    • Jim Cogswell applauds the effort.
  • General Announcements:
    • Laura Buck – Veterinary Medicine: Reconfiguration update:
      • Central room/area cleared out.
      • Will be working with designer Cindy Curnutte soon.
      • Interesting items found during move.
        • Sent to Archives.
  • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim Cogswell evaluation is complete.
    • Results will be delayed since Jim and Provost have not yet met to discuss.
    • They had planned to meet 4/23 but the Provost was forced to cancel at the last second.
  • Deb Ward – RAIS:
    • Events:
      • MU Libraries will host guests from Washington University, in St. Louis.
        • Will be accompanied by a visiting Librarian from South Africa.
      • Federal Depository 150th Anniversary Event, Thursday, May 3rd, at 1:30 pm.
    • Positions:
      • Working out the specifics and hoping to post a Clinical Veterinary Medicine Librarian soon.
        • Working in cooperation with Vet School.
      • E-learning librarian position – Hoping to post fulltime position soon.
        • Annelise Freeman has temporarily held that position.
        • Working in cooperation with Jim Spain in Undergraduate Studies office.
  • June DeWeese – Access Services.
    • Circulation offices, Reserve and ILL areas (Rooms 102, 103 and 101) are scheduled have furniture moved in on May 15th.
      • Both the return of damaged furniture as well as new replacement items.
      • Will be second day of intersession (a busy processing time for Access Services).

[UPDATE – from June DeWeese: The return/delivery of Access Services furniture will take place approximately a week later than was reported.]

  • Ann Riley – Access, Collections and Technical Services:
    • Digitization Interest Group – Felicity Dykas and Kelli Hansen have started a Digitization Interest Group. (Second meeting was today).
    • Collections Budget – there has been a lot of collections budget talk lately.
      • Gaps in the FY 2012 have been covered.
      • FY 2013 will have some serious deficits in the collections budget.
        • Due to journal inflation.
        • Options being considered:
          • Utilizing more Demand Driven Acquisitions (while refining auto approvals profiles).
          • Cancelling less used journals.
          • Altering how we order monographic series.
          • More news soon as discussions continue.
    • OPEN Positions – Two searches in her area (ACTS) underway – both are going well with many applicants.
      • Assistant Head of Access Services.
      • Metadata Catalog librarian.
    • New scanner on trial in Cataloging Dept.
      • Library Employees are welcome to come by and take a look.
  • PT Martin – LTS:
    • A copy machine has been set up as a scanner as well as a copier.
      • In the foyer of 52 Ellis Library
      • Can scan large quantities.
      • Can interpret some items.
      • Is on a computer from where material can be emailed, or saved in various formats.
      • Specific questions should go to Kathy Peters.
    • Kick scanner in Information Commons still available for casual scanning.
      • Material can be emailed or saved to a flash stick drive.
  • Stephen Stanton – Geology Library:
    • Geology Development Board Event this week.
      • Stephen will attend.
      • This group has provided funds for Geology databases.
  • May meeting:
    • Date will likely change to May 15th
      • Jim is out of town on May 22.
      • If no objections, Mark will look into changing the date to May 15th, at 1 pm.
  • Pat Jones, Head of Ellis Library Security, will be in attendance.
  • Gary Cox asks members to please look over Library Assembly Proposal (upon which we have been acting in place of a policy or charge) for possible revisions.

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