The MU Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee invites you to learn to be a resource for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) and ally students, faculty and staff on campus. Safe Space is a training designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to be an effective ally. This training session will be conducted by Struby Struble, coordinator of the LGBTQ Center. The session will take place March 29, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. room 4F51-A Ellis Library.
What is Safe Space? Participants in the training learn about the challenges of homophobia, campus resources, and how to be supportive to members of the LGBTQ community. At the conclusion of the training, participants have the option to display a Safe Space symbol as a signal to LGBTQ individuals that they maintain a safe and affirming environment. Homophobic and heterosexist comments, language, and actions will not be allowed in a Safe Space, but they will be addressed in an educational and informative manner.
The Safe Space symbol sends a message to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students, faculty, and staff that people displaying it are understanding and supportive resources for LGBTQ or ally individuals who are seeking help, advice or simply someone with whom they can talk. Those who identify as LGBTQ are members of often invisible minority groups and so are their allies and friends. The Safe Space Program is designed to help LGBTQ people identify supportive people and offices. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to become Safe Space allies in order to make the allies of the LGBTQ community more visible so that LGBTQ students, faculty, and staff can easily identify places where they can feel at ease because they know that they will not face discrimination due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
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