Healthy for Life Update

•    Weight Watchers at Work will be hosting an Open House meeting in Clark Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 4th at 12 p.m. in room 509. Split Payment Plan Available. Benefit-eligible employees who miss no more than one class can receive 25% rebate through Healthy for Life. Save money on gas by attending meetings here at work! For more information, contact Melissa Willett at 884-1397.

•    Shape Up Missouri is starting its spring session. Start the new year by working to reach your weight loss goals and/or increasing your physical activity. Shape Up Missouri is a team-based program designed to help Missourians make positive changes so that they can move toward a healthier lifestyle. Teams of 2-10 may participate in one or both divisions. The last day to sign up for the spring session is Monday, February 9th. Register online at For more information you may contact Larry Luetjen at or 882-7326.

•    Have you always wanted to learn how to ballroom dance? Now is your chance! Salsa and Tango classes are available. For just $2, you can have fun, get fit, and learn a new skill during your lunch hour! Please contact Shannon Cary ( or check out the attached flyer in the staff lounge. All classes are held in the Mark Twain Ballroom in Memorial Union. Come join the fun!

•    Have you been to our website yet? If not, check it out at If so, keep going back to see what’s going on in the wellness world. There are employee success stories, events, classes, program information, links and access to take the online health risk assessment.

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