Information About Your Wellness Incentive

In order to receive your $100 wellness incentive, you must have a health screening and complete the online wellness questionnaire. More information about this process  can be found in the Healthy for Life Update. If you have completed these steps (you must do so by April 30), see the information below about checking on the status of your incentive.

If you are enrolled in myChoice (the lower-deductible plan) the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) will be automatically set up. You can check the status of your $100 incentive by going to Coventry’s website,

  • Set up your Coventry account: You’ll need your member ID number found on your Coventry card.
  • After creating your account: Click on Login or Register Now in the gray box that says, “My Online Services” on the right side.

Ø  Scroll over Benefits tab on the brown toolbar and then click on “Manage my HRA/HSA or Coventry Fund.”

Ø  Then, directly under “Manage Health Accounts,” click on My Coventry Consumer Choice Online or Coventry Fund Click Here.

Ø  On the left side, under “My Accounts,” is the word “more”. Clicking on this will show you the balance of $100 Wellness Reward.

  • Your health care provider visit: You will be responsible for any payments such as copays, deductible amounts, and/or coinsurance as usual. Coventry will then reimburse you for these amounts as they see them come through on claims. The reimbursement will accompany the EOB or if you receive your EOBs electronically, the check will be mailed.
  • Questions: Contact Coventry at 800-613-7721 or your Campus Benefit Representative.

If you are enrolled in myOptions, (high-deductible plan), you will need to make sure that you have also enrolled for a Health Savings Account (HSA); otherwise, there is nowhere to place your incentive money. You can check the status of your $100 incentive by going to

  • Set up your Health Equity account: You will need to click on Purple box that says “Activate Now.”
  • After creating your account: Click on Login box that says, and sign in.

Ø  Your HSA balance will show on the right side, under “Quick Stats.”

  • Additionally, you should be receiving a packet in the mail with full details about the HSA account along with your debit card.
  • Questions: Contact Health Equity at 877-372-5383.

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