Preparing for Winter Storms

Be Prepared Before the Storm Strikes
•    Have extra batteries and flashlights
•    Food and water
•    Have extra medication
•    First-aid supplies
•    Have extra blankets for additional warmth available
•    Be ready for winter storms by listening to the NOAA weather radio all hazards or watch your  local news  channel
•    When leaving home have cell phone fully charged and car charger in vehicle

During Winter Storm Emergencies…Post emergency telephone numbers by telephone and keep enough supplies in your home to meet your needs for at least three days.

Playing it Safe… Avoid over-exertion, such as shoveling heavy snow or walking in deep snow. The strain from the cold and hard labor may cause a heart attack.

The Best Defense… The best defense against severe winter weather is preparedness. Make sure that severe weather does not catch you off guard. Start preparing now for the dangerous ice and cold that will prevail in the next few months. Remember: Most deaths and injuries related to winter weather are caused by driving on slippery roads or over-exertion.

How to Dress for Winter…Winter has arrived. Dress for the season. Wear loose, light-weight, warm clothing in several layers. Trapped air is an insulator. Layers can be removed to avoid perspiration and subsequent chill. Outer garments should be water repellent and hooded. Always cover your head as you can loose half of your body heat through an uncovered head.

If Caught in a Winter Storm… Only leave your home in an emergency. If a blizzard traps you in a car, pull off the road, activate hazard lights, and hang a distress flag from the radio aerial or window. Remain in your vehicle. Rescuers are more likely to find you there. Adequate preparation and caution are important elements in survival during severe winter weather.

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