Acquistions Staff Update

At her request, Adrienne Arden has moved away from her supervisory position in the Acquisitions Dept. In her place Amy Lana has become the new supervisor of the monographs acquisitions unit. Adrienne will continue to be a member of the monographs order team. The members of that team are still working out the specifics of their respective work assignments. Please contact Amy with any questions that you previously took to Adrienne. Continue to refer gift questions to Amy. And continue to send purchase requests to the Dept’s general email account:

All of the members of that team will be happy to answer any general monograph purchasing questions you may have. I will be happy to answer any and all questions as well.

Karen Darling

One comment on “Acquistions Staff Update

  1. Thanks for all your good work, Adrienne, and congratulations, Amy…all of us who work with you both are glad this move will help us hold on to two great people in Acquisitions, with all involved working in the capacity they find best for them.

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