Rescheduled: Interactive Skit on Teambuilding and Leadership Development

Sept. 9, 2011
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Place: 4F51-A Ellis
Presenters: MU Trainers’ Network

The final workshop is an interactive skit based on the book written by Patrick Lencioni ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.’ This is a dynamic training program in which audience members interact with each other and with skit characters, assessing character behavior and comparing their recommendations for improving the skit team. In addition, the skit provides audience members with the opportunity to talk about the listening skills demonstrated by the characters as well as conflict competency, self-monitoring of emotions, etc. As such, this workshop helps to bring together the skill awareness gained in the previous three workshops

Attendance is voluntary and open to all library employees, per supervisor approval. RSPV’s are requested for head count purposes, only.

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