Don’t forget to turn in your United Way pledge card to Mark Ellis (104 Ellis) by the end of the day Friday, Oct. 31st, to be eligible for our Early Bird Prize drawing! Please contact Nora Tamm, Michelle Baggett or Paula Roper with any questions about the United Way or the Campaign.
Giving to the United Way through payroll deduction provides a painless way to have a major impact on the lives of people in our community. Read on to find out how even a small gift can make a big difference… When you give $1 per month, the Central Missouri Food Bank and Pantry will feed a family of three five meals… that’s 180 meals you will provide for hungry people in our community in one year. And a single $20 donation buys 400 pounds of food!
- When you give $5 per month, the Family Health center can provide medication for 60 low-income people with chronic illnesses.
- When you give $21 per month, OATS can provide work transportation to eight people for one week.
- When you give $28 per month, Salvation Army Harbor House can provide 2 weeks of shelter to 2 homeless families.