The NIH Public Access mandate has been in effect since April 2008. We thought you’d be interested in what the MU Libraries have been doing to support NIH researchers on campus.
In addition to updating the MU Libraries Guide to the NIH Public Access Policy as needed (and continuing to monitor any legal challenges to the policy!), the Libraries have sent information to all NIH researchers on campus about the policy. Brenda Graves-Blevins, Diane Johnson, and Kate Anderson have spoken to a number of different groups, including: Life Sciences Center investigators; Council of Research Administrators; School of Medicine Research Council; and the Grant Writers Network.
When talking to researchers and support staff about this new policy, we emphasize that:
- The MU Libraries are the go-to resource for clarifying the Public Access policy; determining individual journal policies; finding PMCIDs; etc.;
- Researchers need to read the fine print to make sure they understand the journal’s policy and to avoid unnecessary charges;
- The SPARC addendum is available if needed. This addendum also helps preserve rights to submit to local repositories such as MOspace.
Thanks to all involved in providing NIH researchers with this information. Helping support this policy has been a good example of campus-wide collaboration, involving people from the MU Libraries, the Division of Information Technology, the Office of Research, and the Provost’s Office.
Submitted by Kate Anderson