Attendees: Jim Cogswell, Mike Holland, Ann Riley, Deb Ward
Guest: Ellen Blair
Support: Mark Ellis
INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: LMT Invited to the Library Committee meeting scheduled for December 2nd, 2 pm, 159 Ellis Library. Current Chair Noah Heringman is trying to emphasize collaboration and communication between the Library Committee and MU Libraries.
- In October the Library Committee met with Kate Anderson to discuss Mizzou Advantage and MU Libraries.
- In November, the Library Committee met with a panel of subject specialist librarians to learn more about their job and roles. Panel: Judy Maseles, Gwen Gray, Anne Barker.
- In December, Noah would like to invite LMT to make up a panel for a description of each member’s role and to answer questions.
- On December 9, the Library Committee would like to take a tour of the MU Libraries following the “life of a book”. (Similar to the tour given to LDAC last spring.)
INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: Jim attended Deans retreat in Springfield, MO, November 8 and 9.
- Discussions: Springfield, MO, community support of higher education, MU Budget, Discussions about “low” performing programs, the merging of MU-Direct and CDIS.
INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: James Hunter will meet for the first part of the LMT meeting on Dec 7th. James Hunter is director of EAP. Topic: “reflective spaces.”
ACTION ITEM – Deb Ward: The Library Instruction Committee drafted a revision to the MU Libraries Mission Statement that included a mention of instruction in the text of the mission. The full text would read:
In support of the instruction, research, service and economic development programs of the University, the MU Libraries acquire, preserve, make accessible and provide instruction on scholarly resources; develop innovative services; and apply new information technologies to achieve a single overarching purpose: To serve the needs of our users.
RESOLUTION: LMT accepted the inserted text and instructed Mark Ellis to work with Shannon Cary to change the statement on the MU Library website.
INFORMATION ITEM: LMT and Library Fiscal Officer Ellen Blair further considered and discussed budget scenarios for the next 3 Fiscal years. This is in preparation for the upcoming meeting that Jim and Ellen will be having with Provost Foster and his budget staff on November 30, 2010.
This is very informative. Thank you for posting this information. Please make sure that the Library Committee understands the diversity of needs of all MU Libraries customers as well as the variety of services offered throughout the Libraries – including the branches.
Thanks for the comment. I agree that presenting the wide range of users and services will need to be a key point. We need to ensure that those on the Library Committee have a good understanding of what people who work in the MU Libraries really do, and give them a sense of some of the challenges we face.