Congratulations to the Winners of the United Way Drawing

Winners of the first drawing for Concert Series tickets:

Leo Agnew

Sue Barnes

Anne Barker

Dorothy Carner

Karen Eubanks

Winners of the second drawing for Concert Series tickets:

Judy Maseles

Karen Marshall

PT Martin

Colleen Smith

Bette Stuart

The winner of the Grand Prize – $75 gift certificate to Columbia Mall:

Gary Cox

Thanks to everyone who pledged a donation to 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign!

Forty-two employees of MU Libraries made pledges totaling over $ 6,600.   This equals  33 % participation of our current employees!

Thanks, to everyone who pledged, donated prizes, and help coordinate this year’s Campaign!!

~Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, & Paula Roper – – MU Libraries’ 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign Committee

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