Human Resource Services is sponsoring its Annual Training Conference on November 3 & 4, 2010 at Memorial Union. Most sessions are intended for Columbia Campus, UM System and UOEXT staff employees, however, the KEYNOTE presentation by Betsy Rodriguez, VP Human Resource Services, and a demonstration of the new SkillSoft online training software, myLEARN, purchased by UM System, are open to faculty as well as staff.
Overall, there will be 49 sessions covering diverse topics for managers, supervisors, professionals, office, technical and service/maintenance staff. All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside a couple of days for development for you and/or your staff. The speakers are primarily MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and attend as many sessions as you can during this two day training.
The follow link goes to HR websites [] where you can find a complete course description and a link to register on-line. Just click on the Training tab then on HRS training conference in the menu list.
Supervisor approval is required to attend. If granted, attendance is considered release time. As in the past, individuals with academic titles can register for any course and attendance will be considered by HR on a space-available basis.
Of note: Bob Almony returns to campus to conduct two financial planning courses as part of the conference:
Take Charge of Your Finances
Time: 8:30-12:00 Noon
Location: N206 Walt Disney
Presenter: Bob Almony, Beth Steele
This course deals with misconceptions about money management, your net worth, and tracking your cash flow each month. Learn to set up a real budget, handle debt, and discuss the 10 leading causes of overspending. We will review the overall personal budget process
Principles of Investing on a Shoestring Budget
Time: 8:30-12:00 Noon
Location: N201/2 Mark Twain
Presenter: Bob Almony, Stacey Josey
Learn the principles of investing for the long-term accumulation of wealth, especially for a comfortable retirement. We will discuss the issues of 403(b), IRA, Roth IRA, 401(1), 456, etc., and which one you should use in your retirement planning and why.