MULSA Wants You!

The MU Libraries Staff Association will hold its annual meeting on May 28th at 9:30 a.m. in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge.  We would like to invite you to join us.With many upcoming challenges, membership in MULSA is more important than ever.  We would like to encourage you to consider running for the various positions available on the MULSA Board, and to become an active participant in MULSA events.  With your help, we will be able to continue our staff and community obligations.

Our open board vacancies are as follows:

Vice President/President Elect (1):  Assists the president in carrying out the work and direction of the staff association and automatically becomes the President the following year.

Secretary (1): Records and distributes the minutes taken at our board meetings.

Treasurer (1): Maintains all the financial records for MULSA; this includes keeping the books and writing the checks.

Courtesy (1):  Extends congratulations and condolences to library employees with cards, gifts, and flowers.

MUSE Editors (2): Responsible for the publication of the library staff newsletter, The Muse.

Ellis Staff Lounge (1): Coordinates cleaning of the lounge with daily help from volunteers. This person also buys cleaning supplies and maintains the vending machine refunds.

Social (2): Organizes and coordinates MULSA’s social activities.

Book Sale / Store Coordinators (1): Helps to organize, promote, and preside over the ongoing book sale in the Ellis Library Copy Service room.

Community Service (1): Coordinates and informs the staff about our service projects. We have supported such groups as Mid-Missouri Food Bank and Second Chance Animal Shelter.

MULSA collectively organizes the Adopt-a-family during the holidays, garage sales, cookies sales, and other worthwhile projects. If you would like to run for one of these positions, please contact Mike Spears  at or Jack Batterson at

For further information about these positions, please see the job descriptions at MULSA’s web site:

Please do not let your talents go unused. You can make a big difference. MULSA is a wonderful opportunity to meet and work with your fellow co-workers from other departments.

-MULSA Board Members

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