Unite for Healthy Neighborhoods and Healthy for Life Update

Unite for Healthy Neighborhoods
A Community Gathering to Inspire Healthy, Positive Grassroots Change. … For the Community. By the Community.

Friday, April 9th, 5:30 – 8:30 pm at Progressive Missionary Baptist Church, 702 Banks Ave., Columbia, MO 65203
Saturday, April 10th, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC), 1701 W. Ash St., Columbia, MO 65203
This event is free and the community is welcome. We are trying to market this event to low-income people in Columbia, particularly in the 1st ward.
I’m working with the Healthy Environmental Policy Initiative group , http://pednet.org/advocacy/healthy-environmental-policy-initiative.asp , on this event.
–Caryn Scoville

Step into Spring
Now is the time to enroll in the Million Step Pedometer Program and/or the Ride to Wellness Program! Healthy for Life will be selling pedometers and odometers on campus on the following dates/times. Pedometers are $15 and odometers at $20–cash or check. Walk 1 million steps or ride 500 miles and receive your money back (faculty/staff and dependents). If you already have a pedometer or odometer, stop by the table to enroll for FREE. As always, you can stop by our office at 205 Heinkel to enroll in either program.
Wednesday, Mar. 17 from 12 p.m.-2 p.m.: Animal Science Research Center Lobby
Monday, Mar. 22 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: Reynolds Alumni Center Lobby

Noon Stress Reduction Meditation
Research over the past two decades suggests that regular meditation practice can reduce stress and enhance overall wellbeing. Find out for yourself by taking advantage of the noon-time (12:15 p.m.-12:45 p.m.) sitting meditation sessions across campus each week. All faculty and staff are welcome on a drop-in basis, and no previous experience with meditation is necessary. Join us at:
• Mondays: Heinkel Building, Room 226
• Tuesdays: Quarterdeck Room 121
• Wednesdays: University Hospital Medical School, Room HSL146
• Wednesdays: Hulston Hall (Law School), Room 208
• Thursdays: AP Green Chapel (while school is in session)

Affordable Strength Conditioning
Strength Conditioning classes are currently being offered at Memorial Union and Ellis Library from 12:15-12:45 p.m. on various days. Click here for a schedule. Classes are just $1 each and there is no need to register. All experience and fitness levels are welcome. The instructor encourages attendees to bring a towel or mat.

Work Place Presentations
Healthy for Life’s Jenny Workman, workmanjl@umsystem.edu, MU/UM program manager, and Armine Alioto, aliotoa@umsystem.edu, MUHS Nurse Manager, would like to give a brief wellness presentation during one of your staff meetings this semester, tailored to meet your needs. They will inform your staff about free or low cost Healthy for Life programs available. Please contact Jenny or Armine to discuss details.

Affordable Fitness Classes at Work
Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Visit the Healthy for Life website for a full list of strength training and stretching classes. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions.

• Yoga Flow: Mar 17-Apr 21 at Woodrail Large Conference room. Class meets on Wednesdays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $10 for the 5 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Mar 10. To sign up, e-mail Rebekka, rebekka123@yahoo.com. (No class on April 7).

• Dalton Yoga: March 17th – May 12th at Dalton Research Library. Class meets on Wednesdays from 11:40-12:20 and costs $16.00 for the 8 week session. This is a mat, hatha yoga class designed for all levels of fitness. There will be no class April 21st. Pre-registration is required and registration ends March 16th. To sign up e-mail Lisa, lisa_blue_nagy@yahoo.com.

• Yoga Flow: Apr 8-May 13 at Lewis Hall room 3. Class meets on Thursdays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Mar 4. To sign up, e-mail Rebekka, rebekka123@yahoo.com.

• Mat Yoga: Apr. 5 – May 10 at Physics Library. Class meets on Mondays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Apr. 2. E-mail Ashley, om.yoga@yahoo.com.

• Back Health Mobility: Apr. 6 – May. 11 Ellis Library room 4F51-A. Tuesdays 1:10-1:50 p.m. and costs $16 for the 8 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Apr. 2. To sign up, e-mail Ashley, om.yoga@yahoo.com.

• Mat: April 7-May 12 at Ellis Fischel 707A/B. Class meets on Wednesdays from 5:15-5:55 p.m. and costs $12 for 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Dec. 30. To sign up, e-mail Ashley, om.yoga@yahoo.com.

• Back Health: Apr. 7 – May 12 Med Science room MA302. Wednesdays 1:10-1:50p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Mar. 16. To sign up, e-mail Ashley, om.yoga@yahoo.com.

• Office stretching: April 7-May 12 at Dalton Research Library Rm 132. Class meets on Wednesdays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Mar 1. To sign up, e-mail Lisa, lisa_blue_nagy@yahoo.com.

Farm to Table Festival
Mark your calendars! MU Catering and the American Culinary Federation will be welcoming national, regional and local chefs, farmers, and experts promoting the culinary and farm to table collaboration. This event takes place at the University Club in the Reynolds Alumni Center on June 12-13. Enjoy demonstrations, presentations, and hands-on workshops featuring master-class and cooking-at-home presentations with a full outdoors farmers market.

CIGS Run/Walk and Health Fair
Come and join us on April 17th for a 4 mile run or 1.3 mile walk including cash prizes and medals! Proceeds benefit research of smoking-related disease through the University of Missouri’s Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care & Environmental Medicine. The Health Fair and beginning of the Run/Walk will be located at the Quarterdeck Building on Lemone Industrial Blvd. in Columbia. The cost is ust $5 for students, $15 for individuals, or $25 for families, which includes a free T-shirt for participants. The Health Fair is open to the public and includes health screening. To register, go to www.smsg.org or call 573-882-2105.

Phil Sayer 5k Benefit Run/Walk
The University of Missouri Extension and Fire and Rescue Training Institute will be sponsoring a 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, June 12th. The run starts at 7 a.m. and will take place at North Jeff Pavilion located on the west side of Highway 54 at Jefferson City, Mo. (Airport exit). Registration fee is $20 if registering before May 14th and $25 if registering after May 14th. For more information call 800-869-3476, e-mail frti@missouri.edu, or access the Fire Rescue website.

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