MOBIUS Conference T-Shirt Design Contest

If you are like me, you wake up early every morning having dreamt of wonderful and creative t-shirt designs for the MOBIUS annual conference but end up feeling let down because the MOBIUS conference doesn’t have a t-shirt design contest. Good news: We do now!

That’s right, this year we are going to be taking design submissions on the conference website and then vote on them! This is an awesome opportunity to have fun, flex your artistic muscles, and contribute to making the MOBIUS conference even more awesome. Plus we’ll give you a FREE SHIRT.

Don’t do graphic design? Aren’t coming to the conference? We will give you a free shirt just for referring someone. Can you say “graphic design students”? Just remember to tell them to put your email address in the referrer field of the submission form so we can thank you and work out delivery for your free shirt.

Start here:

Justin Hopkins
Coordinator, IT & Web Services
MOBIUS Consortium Office

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